Homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

, this is old. How could dood afford a burner if he was broke.
He was using the old hand trick under the coat.

Prison is his best bet, shelter and food is all he asks for, and prison can provide both.
i cant say i agree with his sentence, but regardless of how much money he took he robbed a bank at gun point. even if u dunt really have a gun jus making theperson you are stickin up believe that you have a gun is the same as actually having a gun in the court of law and armed bank robbery is a federal offense. sofrom a legal stand point this isnt so outrageous. morally is a totally different story....
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

America the beautiful.
go do this in vietnam or iraq.

you woulda been dead at the spot for stealing money or goods. or put in jail thats prolly 2X worst than guatanamo bay in terms of quality.
Originally Posted by ZieGirl

wow, that's sad; dude just wanted help and a meal. for a so-called "christian" nation, we've !%#!+% up pretty bad
He robbed a bank. Whether it was $1 or $100 he still robbed a bank.
they railroaded him cuz its a fed offense, but think about all the money us as taxpayers are gonna spend keeping this dude locked up for 15 yrs.
the bigger deal here is that he pretended he had a gun. i think he just wanted to go to jail.
KidCloudKicker wrote:

good for the homeless dude. he wont be homeless no more lol. 3 squares a day etc.
[Shawn Wayans]Thats not the only thing he'll get three times a day....[/Shawn Wayans]

but jokes aside, he was guilty but he didn't deserve 15 years, but he did it in the wrong state......
so is there a good chance that this guy has an opportunity to sue??,

and free housing, food and exercise ftw for the guy
besides the fact that he will be in prison. He might possibly be living better in there than out on the streets. well... maybe.
Originally Posted by Derek916

15yearsxthe cost it takes to house a criminal in prison over a $100 crime

This is why America is in a recession

You do realize prison is big business right
3 square meals and a cot. Aint nothing wrong with that.

But truthfully, the sentence is OD. Nick hogan should have gotten worse.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

so is there a good chance that this guy has an opportunity to sue??,

and free housing, food and exercise ftw for the guy

Legally, the judge did what he shoulda done.
Damn, seems pretty harsh. Especially, as others have said, there's plenty of hardcore criminals who do serious dirt and get light sentences. And for thepeople saying he probably wanted to be sent to prison, I disagree based on the circumstances of the event. Also, I doubt that prison is the 'best place forhim' because, you know...its prison...

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 2

there's always the argument a homeless man is better off in jail

thats a foolish argument. it doesnt make sense any way you look at it. are you telling me this man was bound to be homeless for the rest of hislife, or in this situation, 15 years? if he was in detox he wanted to change his life sometime soon, for all we know had he not commited this crime in 6 monthstime he coulda been employed and living somewhere. On top of evertyhing else why would i as a tax payer want to pay to keep this man locked up, rather thantaxing us for jail we should get taxed for detox programs and such so as to prevent years of supporting criminals. he's kinda dumb tho, if u wanted $100 ucould rob people in the street and have a much better chance of getting away with it.
What do you mean what is there discuss? The magnitude of the crime is what there is to discuss. Laws are dumb, and those responsible for the interpretation ofthe law could give a +!%$.

And don't limit such a common happening across the USA to just the south either.
Originally Posted by sStutter

That sentence is ridiculous. There are so many criminals that have done worse things that don't get time at all.
Yeah but if you go by the books he robbed a bank, which I think is a federal offense. If he knew the law he wouldn't have turned himself in.
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