Homeless man with golden radio voice (vid)

Feb 26, 2006
Shame and a half
  thoughts? guy actually sounds like he may have a few sober days under his belt.
Shame and a half
  thoughts? guy actually sounds like he may have a few sober days under his belt.
WOW I feel bad for that guy, I hope his story gets out and he gets off the streets.

What a waste of talent.
WOW I feel bad for that guy, I hope his story gets out and he gets off the streets.

What a waste of talent.
Wow dude has the perfect radio voice. Hopefully someone helps this guy out with a job, seems like he is legit trying to make a better life for himself.
Wow dude has the perfect radio voice. Hopefully someone helps this guy out with a job, seems like he is legit trying to make a better life for himself.
damn this man has a useful talent and dudes been clean for 2 years, someone needs to get him off the streets
damn this man has a useful talent and dudes been clean for 2 years, someone needs to get him off the streets
He can find that job if he looks for it. Now with this youtube video, hope fully he gets some exposure.
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