Homeless people

I always try to give a homeless person a dollar if I can. I don't really care if they use it on drugs. What they do with the money is not my concern. Most homeless people have some sort of mental illness and aren't always junkies. And who am I to judge even if they are?
I always give the homeless my spare change. I feel sad for them :frown:

They always makes me realize how blessed i am just by having food on the table and a roof on my head.
I'd give em food or drink.
Never give em money though.
If they can stand on a corner for 12 hrs or whatever, they can stand in a walmart or jack in the box and earn money like the rest of us.
There used to be this guy that would beg for money on the train I take and this one time he got angry that no one would give anything and started ranting and yelling at everyone :lol:

I usually give to the homeless with kids or a dog. The kid or dog usually look so pitiful :frown:
Idk about where you guys are at, but here in Houston, 9 times out of 10, they're not even really homeless(I've had an actual homeless person confirm this.)

They're just making easy money.

So, I never give any money.
I never give cash my 1 dollar won't make you stop being homeless. I give food because if you are really struggling food will be the top thing you want.
if youre under the age of 50 and not disabled, you wont get a dime from me..

why do i have to work and give my money away to some able body human who can easily go get a job at mcdonalds? :rolleyes

**** that! plus they stand in the same place for months, ive seen some with cell phones and some that dont even look homeless :smh:
They should start hustling with that cash. Use 5 bucks to start selling bottled waters. Or at least be willing to work or something. I used to be very willing to give but not as freely now.
Idk about where you guys are at, but here in Houston, 9 times out of 10, they're not even really homeless(I've had an actual homeless person confirm this.)

They're just making easy money.

So, I never give any money.

exactly what im talking about.. im a local myself and see this on1960 and 45 all the time. ive been seeing the same group of people there since i first moved here a few years back... :smh:
I never give out money, had too many bad experiences with rude or ungrateful people and even seen dudes putting on wigs of dirty/nappy hair. last guy I gave a couple bucks to was lookin bad. guessing he had a stroke cause half his body was lookin limp, face was droopy as hell, felt for him. seen him couple days later with lottery tickets hanging out his back pocket. you ain't that hungry if you're buying lottery tickets.
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i usually give to homeless people, but only if i feel they will do something good with it. theres the homeless people that reek of beer and buy lottery tickets but then you have the homeless that try to make themselves feel civil again 

theres this guy homeless guy that i always see around and he has a dog. i actually talk to him every once and awhile. he asks for change and whatnot, but then spends the money to buy dog food. i always give a little extra to people like this 
I aint one for giving away cash if you really look like you need it ill throw a couple bucks

but dudes are in nyc making 6 figures panhandling
People always say this, but I really find it hard to believe that people are getting 5 or 6 figures panhandling. Its just too crazy to believe. Lets assume theyre getting money every day from people, in order to crack $10,000 they would need to get $27.40 a day. I can see them getting that here and there maybe even more, but there has to be stretches where they dont even see half of that and theres no way I can believe that it averages out by year end for them. 

Six figures is totally implausible IMO. Maybe a homeless person is getting $5,000 a year, maybe, and yeah theyre could be a few that are getting lucky and cracking the 10k mark, but anything significantly larger is crazy talk to me. I can be convinced though, maybe theres studies out there.
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I used to but as somebody stated earlier, I became desensitized to people askin for money. One dude talkin bout he homeless w/ a fresh pair of white on white Forces. Another dude asked me for a single, I told him I'd buy him something to eat instead, he greatly took me up on that. I'd rather buy food if they need it but not supportin their habits.

And what's wit these cats that be thousands of miles away from home w/ a dog? What fool travels that far w/ no money? Hell, I don't even go out to the club w/o money, even if ppl say they got me covered
I aint one for giving away cash if you really look like you need it ill throw a couple bucks

but dudes are in nyc making 6 figures panhandling
People always say this, but I really find it hard to believe that people are getting 5 or 6 figures panhandling. Its just too crazy to believe. Lets assume theyre getting money every day from people, in order to crack $10,000 they would need to get $27.40 a day. I can see them getting that here and there maybe even more, but there has to be stretches where they dont even see half of that and theres no way I can believe that it averages out by year end for them. 

Six figures is totally implausible IMO. Maybe a homeless person is getting $5,000 a year, maybe, and yeah theyre could be a few that are getting lucky and cracking the 10k mark, but anything significantly larger is crazy talk to me. I can be convinced though, maybe theres studies out there.

You seriously under estimate how naive and/or self absorbed people can be.
i remember this one dude came up to me inside a quiznos talking about he need money for food.  So i gave him half my large chicken carbonara, he was liike nah i just need the money for some drugs, (i dont remember what exactly) BUT DUDE STILL HAD HIS HANDS UP ON MY SANDWICH. 
I have to deal with these people daily. Always asking me for my cigs or some money. Some meth head girl in her early twenties had the audacity to start swearing at me after I didn't give her my last cig. They get zero from me.
Jking0821 nailed it on the nose with how it is in Philly. It is so damn annoying anymore that i just ignore them and keep it moving. They will be posted on every corner day in and day out in Center City looking for handouts. Even though its small change why should i still have to give it to the homeless ? i didn't put them in that situation they put themselves in to it so now there gonna have to get themselves out of it. Its really not that hard to go to a shelter to get cleaned up. Sitting on the floor with a sign ain't gonna help you get you off your feet go do something about it. Homeless people piss me off so much. 

I remember i was feeling good about myself this one day and i had just bought a few things from dunkin donuts on my way to work. I had a couple extra donuts i did not want so i decided to drop them off to this homeless guy i pass by just about everyday. As I'm approaching him he ask me for money and i tell him i don't have any but i got these donuts for you sir. Well it didn't work out how i planned it to, Dude told me to go **** myself . i 
and said that's why your homeless piece of **** and kept it moving on my way to work.
different subject but, I wonder how much money those talented people get (playing guitar, piano, singing, artists, etc.) per day..Especially if you're at a super busy place, they must get $300-500 per day working 8 hours.. That's not too bad since you're doing something you love and you're showing it to people, who in return, could be motivated or inspired by your music, art, whatever.. It's a win-win for both 
I wish I could offer homeless people a job and some rehab. But all I can do is refer them and hope they take a step in the right direction.

I won't give a homeless person money, but I will buy food, on occasion if they look like they need it. If it's some big dude wearing polo with a sogn around his neck I'm walking past him :lol:
I was giving some of my old clothes away downtown ATL and offered this guy asking for $ some clothes. He gave me the snobbiest look and was like "nah I need money"

Hit him with a quick :smh:
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