Homeowner shoots intruder who was not pregnant...

I'm not God so it never sits right with me when people think taking a life is the answer, that's just me.

It never sits right with me when people do things wrong then they get busted and find God

She got what was coming to her one day; no sympathy.
I feel you, but I would feel a certain type of anger and being violated that someone would have the gall to break in my house and put my life in danger when I did nothing to them to warrant that. The cops aren't going to give her life in prison for what she did.

Its no tough guy talk, and I really hope it never happens in my lifetime but if someone were to break in my house and try to rob me, I would have no problem killing them and no remorse either. Some may think that's taking it too far and that's fine but people get killed over way less in this world.
I feel you, but I would feel a certain type of anger and being violated that someone would have the gall to break in my house and put my life in danger when I did nothing to them to warrant that. The cops aren't going to give her life in prison for what she did.

Its no tough guy talk, and I really hope it never happens in my lifetime but if someone were to break in my house and try to rob me, I would have no problem killing them and no remorse either. Some may think that's taking it too far and that's fine but people get killed over way less in this world.

Not having control over your emotions isn't an excuse.

It's murder PERIOD. Just not premeditated that's all.

That's like y'all saying spitting in someone's face is justification for murder.

It's folks like y'all who give guns such a terrible rap.
My word vs a career criminal with a lengthy rapsheet. The prosecution has to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

I would just say I was in fear for my life and my families life and that the robber threatened to come back and kill me and my family. The robber can't deny or dispute that since sadly he wouldn't be able to give his side of the story
Its folks who try and downplay robbery which is bad look. Your taking a risk with your life by breaking into a persons house, that's a roll of the dice which could potentially have fatal results.

If I get someone who breaks in my house (I have no clue if he's armed or not and have no clue if he has backup) get him with one shot to the head, how am I not in control of my emotions, should I just give him my tv and the keys to my car and give him a 15 second head start before I call the cops?
My word vs a career criminal with a lengthy rapsheet. The prosecution has to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

I would just say I was in fear for my life and my families life and that the robber threatened to come back and kill me and my family. The robber can't deny or dispute that since sadly he wouldn't be able to give his side of the story

Sounds like you've thought this out.

Right click + save

Just incase you murder someone, I'll show them this. Sounds premeditated, hope you get the chair :smh:
in the heat of the moment your not really thinking about the consequences you just react. in my honest opinion i think hes going to loose this case.
Its folks who try and downplay robbery which is bad look. Your taking a risk with your life by breaking into a persons house, that's a roll of the dice which could potentially have fatal results.

If I get someone who breaks in my house (I have no clue if he's armed or not and have no clue if he has backup) get him with one shot to the head, how am I not in control of my emotions, should I just give him my tv and the keys to my car and give him a 15 second head start before I call the cops?

But nobody is saying she was innocent.

She got what she got. You take those chances as a thief.

But y'all defending dude like he don't deserve that murder charge. He was wrong as well.
Sounds like your reaching. Funny how you conveinetly didn't include the part where I mentioned that I hope it never happens to me in my lifetime because I wouldn't want to be faced with that choice.

Why would you wish that a person protecting himself and his family from a home invasion would get the electric chair? Why are you sympathetic to house robbers?
He doesn't deserve the murder charge. Totally unrelated but if he gets hit with an unjust murder charge then eric garners killer should get murder charges as well that same day. We all know that won't happen though.
But nobody is saying she was innocent.

She got what she got. You take those chances as a thief.

But y'all defending dude like he don't deserve that murder charge. He was wrong as well.

No he wasn't doing anything wrong. He doesn't deserve he charge. He acted on his own right.
He doesn't deserve the murder charge. Totally unrelated but if he gets hit with an unjust murder charge then eric garners killer should get murder charges as well that same day. We all know that won't happen though.
if agree with you if he didn't confess like he did and pretty much cop to executing her. Your setting a precedent if he's not convicted. I could shoot anybody outside of my house, call the cops and say they tried to break in but the started to flee and I shot them

And then you bring into question how long after something happens do I still get to claim I'm in danger.
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It's on the first ******* page!

How is that not execution?
It's on the first ******* page!

How is that not execution?

In what you quoted it says she fell because of his gunfire. How do you know she wasnt screaming that as she was running away but he fired anyway and as a result she fell from being hit as it states in what you quoted.

To me that reads as she was running away screaming dont shoot im pregnant but he fired two shots killing her anyway.
I dont see where you are inferring that he fired then fired again after she said she was pregnant.
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Personally I am glad he did what he did.
He took one for the team, the team being society as a whole.

She would have probably robbed countless other people had she got away with it.
If your gonna rob someone best live with the consequences of your actions.

Like wayne said.

U coming in that water boy / You better be a swimmer
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if agree with you if he didn't confess like he did and pretty much cop to executing her. Your setting a precedent if he's not convicted. I could shoot anybody outside of my house, call the cops and say they tried to break in but the started to flee and I shot them

Man you never know if they're gonna come back, oh look this ****** 80 let's come back and tie him up and steal everything. The old man had to do what he had to do.
If she was pregnant she should have never been out in the first place. That's where this all starts. What kind of mother was she to be? Get real guys :smh:
if agree with you if he didn't confess like he did and pretty much cop to executing her. Your setting a precedent if he's not convicted. I could shoot anybody outside of my house, call the cops and say they tried to break in but the started to flee and I shot them

Man you never know if they're gonna come back, oh look this ****** 80 let's come back and tie him up and steal everything. The old man had to do what he had to do.
I'm saying in future cases. Heck. Zimmerman could've used that defense at his trial if this had happened before. " I wasn't sure if trayvon would come back. So I shot him right there"
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That's debatable. You could do that, but alot of stuff wouldn't add up when the cops did their eventual investigation. In this case the accomplice ran away and got away and take was known.

Honestly another reason I'd have no problem killing someone who breaks in my house if god forbid that unfortunate situation ever happened to me is because I don't know what that person is capable of, who their affiliated with, and/or them potentially wanting payback later down the line. If their brazen enough to break into a persons house with malicious intent, I don't think its a stretch to say that they might eventually come looking for payback as someone who breaks into houses isn't working with a full deck.
I'm saying in future cases. Heck. Zimmerman could've used that defense at his trial if this had happened before. " I wasn't sure if trayvon would come back. So I shot him right there"

Nah, that's a different story bro get out of here with that :lol:

We're talking home invasion, invasion of privacy, and being attacked in your own home.

They tackled the dude, broke his collarbone, the girl yells I'm pregnant, dude could have though oh they're thieves. Criminals lie all the time, they say anything to get away, dude has to shoot them to protect himself. He said it's the third time they came.

That's it plain and simple.

That's debatable. You could do that, but alot of stuff wouldn't add up when the cops did their eventual investigation. In this case the accomplice ran away and got away and take was known.

Honestly another reason I'd have no problem killing someone who breaks in my house if god forbid that unfortunate situation ever happened to me is because I don't know what that person is capable of, who their affiliated with, and/or them potentially wanting payback later down the line. If their brazen enough to break into a persons house with malicious intent, I don't think its a stretch to say that they might eventually come looking for payback as someone who breaks into houses isn't working with a full deck.

That's what I'm saying man.
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Since when is "if they go to jail it's bad" truth? Plenty of guilty men have been tried innocent and vice versa.

And the Zimmerman comparison is 100% not even related to this situation AT ALL.
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the kid was probably already addicted to drugs in the womb..

this chick had no shame and would've killed this man had they been holding the gun, 

seems as if she was using the pregnant thing to get pity from whoever she could..

probably wasnt even pregnant.
That's debatable. You could do that, but alot of stuff wouldn't add up when the cops did their eventual investigation. In this case the accomplice ran away and got away and take was known.

Honestly another reason I'd have no problem killing someone who breaks in my house if god forbid that unfortunate situation ever happened to me is because I don't know what that person is capable of, who their affiliated with, and/or them potentially wanting payback later down the line. If their brazen enough to break into a persons house with malicious intent, I don't think its a stretch to say that they might eventually come looking for payback as someone who breaks into houses isn't working with a full deck.
Dude. I saw a lot of stuff in the Zimmerman case that didn't add up but you don't get the benefit of the doubt if your a black man
Comparing a robber to the Zimmerman situation is a bad look. Zimmy followed and initiated a confrontation because he felt ballsy because he was strapped.

The robbers picked an easy target, a frail 80 year old elderly man because they were opportunists. They felt the target was harmless which is why they picked him only that it backfired badly.

If they knew grandpa was strapped, do you think they still try and rob him or perhaps try another easier target?
the kid was probably already addicted to drugs in the womb..

this chick had no shame and would've killed this man had they been holding the gun, 

seems as if she was using the pregnant thing to get pity from whoever she could..

probably wasnt even pregnant.

She wasnt pregnant
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