Honestly: The worst player in the NBA

Mar 6, 2005
Can't Score
Can't Stay Healthy
Have Small Hands
Defense is

Even has his own hate site towards him. www.Kwamebrownsucks.com
My Pick Hands Down = Kwame Brown

Honorable Mentions
Jason Collins
Jared Jeffries
Malik Rose
Mardy Collins
Mateen Cleaves
i hate threads like this....the worst player in the NBA is probably someone like sean marks or pat burke.....you're naming guys who are over paid but havemulti year contracts...

the players who NEVER get in and are always journeyman (see. paul shirley) because they can never stick w/ a team are a lot worse than kwame brown.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

DJ Mbenga.

not even. His skill level is actually pretty high... in practice and shoot around...

I watched him outshoot Ariza, Sasha, and Morrison from mid range and 3 in warmups during the WCF.

But I did come in here thinking this would be about Kwame Brown and I was right!
All these"bad" nba players are probably still some of the best in the country..It's so difficult to even make it to the NBA...!
Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

All these"bad" nba players are probably still some of the best in the country..It's so difficult to even make it to the NBA...!
So... who do you think is the worst of the best?
ever wonder what you'd get if you look into a garbage bin in the streets of Curitiba, Brazil?

Gerald Green. A complete waste of talent. Cant dribble, cant shoot, cant play defense. Just an athlete and that does not mean hes a good basketball player
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