Houston Rockets Thread 2024/2025 - NBA DraftTime, Sheppard On Deck

Looking at the current roster, we pretty much of a couple spots being totally wasted. Green is clearly out for the season, and even bringing him back for a playoff run is pushing it. I have not even heard a Nene update August, Ryno probably still stinks, and we haven’t seen Clark and Hartenstein in the lineup all year.

House (hurt)
EG (hurt, will be out for awhile)
Nene (????)
Clemons (TW)
Frazier (TW)

Technically the roster is only 9 or 10 guys. They need some disabled player exceptions or something
well we’re playing better but for whatever reason I’m still feeling meh about the whole thing. Harden can carry us in the regular season, but when the playoffs come and the refs start swallowing their whistles on obvious fouls, it leaves us little hope. I’ll just enjoy it for what it is I guess.
Will watch the second half tomorrow, but after watching the first half, the refs clearly wanted the game to be closer when it looked like the Rockets were running away with it and started calling an embarrassing amount of fouls in favor of LAC. Makes sense as Tony Brothers was on the crew this game. That plus the TOs seemed to keep LAC in it. Westbrook having 3 fouls at the 6:27 mark in the first was gross as well. Harden was defending Kawhi pretty well. Also even though Clemons was basically just a body out there, at least he was active and playing more than 2 minutes.
Westbrook has to make quicker decisions. His defender is doubling harden on the perimeter and a few plays Russ looks undecided on driving or taking the open 3 the defense is giving. He put up a few out of rhythm 3s that bricked. Him and MDA have to find a counter for that. Russ also needs more screens set for him. Good win overall but Gary Clark and hartenstein need to play, not just ramp up starters minutes
Yeah Russ was hesitating to either drive or shoot last night. Pick one or other and go. Starters are going to get run into the ground with all the mins they are playing.
Finished watching the game, and it was good to see them fend off the Clippers once it got close. I'm very surprised at how ineffective Harrell was. He was a complete non-factor when i assumed he'd go off like crazy. Kawhi, Lou Will, and eventually Green were the only guys really doing anything. Bev was being his usual pest self, but he practically took himself out the game. Good win. PG was out, but we also had guys out, and unfortunately, will be out with even more guys:

Really stinks for both these matchups coming up, but especially vs the Wolves with KAT. There's no way Hartenstein shouldn't get any burn in either one of these games, but MDA is the coach, so we should expect higher minutes for the starters and small ball lineups. I hope I'm terribly wrong, but I could see PJ Tucker having to be on KAT for 40 minutes and also running Thabo at center. Sabonis and KAT may dominate both nights.

I will be furious is Clark and Hartenstein don't log any minutes over the next two games, but if they do get in, it's up to them to make it productive, cause they have to know that MDA is a total peon when it comes to rotations, and any minimal mistake will be magnified cause of him. No House, no EG, now no Capela....the answer isn't just increasing starters minutes.

Austin Rivers still shooting up my likability board LOL

Hopefully Tyson holds up with Clint gone. Tristan would actually be a great pickup in the buyout market if available.

Since the usual suspects all have good backups
Clippers Zubac/Harell
Hopefully Tyson holds up with Clint gone. Tristan would actually be a great pickup in the buyout market if available.

Since the usual suspects all have good backups
Clippers Zubac/Harell

I hope they start Tyson then get Hartenstein in and constantly rotate them. Tyson doesn’t need to play 30+ minutes at his age.
Looks like Tyson held up this this game :lol: he didn’t score a lot but he provided good defense. Sabonis mostly just shot good shots. Props to Mclemore as well. He was shooting the ball with a lot of confidence. Westbrook has a lot of unfortunate misses, but came through in the 4th again. Can’t really give any more praise to Harden than he should already be getting. Dude is simply balling. Not really sure what to think about tonight’s game, cause Westbrook isn’t playing, and there’s a chance Tyson doesn’t play. No EG, Tyson, Westbrook, House, nor Capela. Other guys simply need to step up for this game.

Not a fan of the high minutes for Harden and PJ but it’s whatever given the circumstances
This is a schedule loss with the injuries and Westbrook sitting out tonight. So I’ll be happy with a win
This is a schedule loss with the injuries and Westbrook sitting out tonight. So I’ll be happy with a win

Same here :lol: this would be the perfect time to give Clark, Hartenstein, Clemons, and even Frazier all the minutes they can handle
MDA is definitely playing harden and tucker 40+ minutes tonight :smh:
Gary Clark gotta get some type of minutes and continue playing hartenstein
Minnesota played yesterday like we did so i expect an ugly game tonight from both teams lol
Running it back and up to the end of the second quarter and Clemons/Hartenstein are really providing some good stuff. Clemons shooting with confidence and Hartenstein grabbing boards like crazy
Clemons stole the ball from KAT and dunked on that Culliver pest :rofl: my goodness that was excellent
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