Houston Rockets Thread 2024/2025 - NBA DraftTime, Sheppard On Deck

So happy we got Amen I think he's gonna be a special type player...
Cam was just a super bonus imo. I was on the fence for a while to trade down and taking him and lively if we could. So happy with this past draft.
Wonder if this is a new logo or something to do with the city jerseys. We're way overdue for new uniforms so :nerd:

Edit: This might be what's on the side of FVV shorts in the pic of him in the city unis...
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Man he's got every other tool, I've always felt shooting is something you can learn. Vison and IQ like hes got, not so much. Noone who's ever picked up a ball can just instantly start draing shots. I think part of his issue was playing against inferior talent for so long the shot wasn't even necessary for him. If we didn't get Wemby, my draft board was 1. Wemby 2. Amen 3. Cam long before the draft. Mind you I wanted to trade down and snag Cam and Lively with the Magics 2 picks if could've traded with them. They were my top 3 in this draft. No shafe on Scoot he's a stud, jusy didnt fit with jalen IMO. I've said before and I'll say It again Brandon Miller will be a bust, mark me. Even if Amen never develops a consistent shot some really great HOF players made a career not really being able to shoot too well **cough Jason Kidd, Russell Westbrook, etc cough** I think he has the work ethic and mindset to develop a good shot, if not his size, speed, athleticism, and D will make up for it IMO. So stoked we got him AND Cam. Still can't believe he dropped that far. I joked with my uncle Raphel Stone put those rumors about his health out there just so we could draft him. He'd already been living in Houston working out months before the draft lol.
Tough loss, fun game to watch though, love seeing some offense run through Sengun, hes such a great passer for a big, love seeing pick and roll plays, Silas did none of that ever. I think Alp be a sort of diet Joker, or maybe on par with Sabonis, could win MIP this year I'd picked him or Jabari. With Ime actually utilizing Senguns strengths, he look so much better on D hustling all over, not sure if Ime has boosted his confidence, him just improving his D on his own, I kinda feel like getting him involved in the offense also more contributes to him on D, kinda of a confidence booster. 6 guys in double digits, FVV and Sengun nearly had triple doubles in regulation, we look like back to how we did in the preseason, everyone chipping in. Orlando I think was just a fluke night, shooting 40% and noone having anything but a below average game besides Sengun and Brooks maybe, killed us against them. Just a few free-throws we missed against SA or we get the win tonight and no OT. I think I saw Jabari and Sengun shot 30/40% from the line... that's unacceptable. Neither are bad FT shooters either. I'd hoped we were a play in team this year, but it won't break my heart if we don't make it so long as the games are fun to watch and guys keep improving. Silas was so bad I hardly watched many games last season. I'm excited none the less. Hoops are back in Houston I think. Texans look really promising, astros did good just came up short, I think yanking Javier was maybe a bit to early, the damage was done, and he'd not even got into a loose yet... after that the pitching killed us. Nice having all 3 htown franchises fun to watch bow at least win or lose.
missed FTs aside, I can’t believe the refs had to hold a 7’4” man’s hands to lead the Spurs to victory. I get they’re forcing him as the new face of the league, but have some damn dignity NBA, it’s so shameless.
missed FTs aside, I can’t believe the refs had to hold a 7’4” man’s hands to lead the Spurs to victory. I get they’re forcing him as the new face of the league, but have some damn dignity NBA, it’s so shameless.

Agreed, we all I think know he's gonna be a star... they shouldn't need to be doing this 2 games in and that means likely all season. He is a rookie he should have to earn his, hes not lebron level yet at all to be getting bailed out. Too many others have earned getting calls or refs throwing them a bone... it may not be a great look if he hits that rookie wall which I think he will and possibly why pops stiing him a lot. Yes he's huge and pretty polished. I don't see him having the strength night in an out either once team's continue to bang on him. We'll see, I guess lol. Bring on GS now, would love to slaughter them I'm still salty from the Rockets warriors series a few years back 🤣
BTW my old season tickets rep said the city jerseys were inspired by phi slamma jamma jerseys. Pays tribute to Clyde and Dream. With embroidered signatures by the bottom tag kinda cool. I was mehh on them... not great but not bad. After finding that out may grab one now.

Mentioned in the Nike NBA thread the city jerseys were a nod to Phi Slamma Jamma days. I really wish they’d move to red/navy/white - maybe sky blue, or back to red/yellow as their primary look. Give them something of an identity again.
I prefer a houston front rather then HTOWN
Fully agree, I think they had to probably change the font, the jerseys UofH would have been too similar. UofH also wore the Phi slamma Jamma retros last year so probably too soon. Although UofH did have an either cougars script wordmark or Houston. Wordmark. I had that jersey at one point... still cool showing UofH, Clyde, Olajuwon, and Phi Slamma Jamma though.
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