How are you guys using money to make more money?

I've always been interested in owning apartments and cattle. Don't know squat about either tho

When I was working with wells fargo, there was a guy who made an opening deposit to his new account of 6.3 million. Dude raised and sold cattle.

I want to flip a couple cars. Eventually live the dream and open a garage :pimp:
I average like 300-400 a day I'm pretty content. Don't have a desire to be rich.
It's not to be rich but its to be comfortable and have financial and time freedom. It doesnt mean earning a million a month either.

It is very possible to live within your means and be comfortable. I too am not looking to be filthy rich but I want to wake up when I want, work doing something I'm passionate about, and make an impact helping others.
Normal jobs. Barber = no taxes. Bartending on weekends only brings in about as much as I make all week cutting hair.
Barbers do make good money
i use fidelity to invest long term sales, i dont use a bank either, just fidelity cash account

also buy sale trade what ever makes sense, phones shoes, clothes.

also find a good site to not day trade, but options, they have minute options, and they produce, but its addicting like gambling.

also putting money into other peoples hustle IG dealers, salers ect, and get a % of return, online schemes and pyramid plans if you execute it right.
I was thinking investing with fidelity. How's that going with you?

Don't you gotta put down 1k to invest with them? 
For the younger cats, buy a bunch of cases of bottled water and throw them in a big rolling cooler. Set up shop near a ball park on a hot summer day and sell them for $2.00-$3.00 a pop. Most baseball parks sell bottled water for $5.00 inside, but will allow you to take your own into the stadium if it's sealed. Guaranteed to make a nice little sum for not much work.

Saw some dudes in Boston caking last summer.
Snatch anything you can get your hands on
For under retail and flip it...god bless
hit up goodwill/thrift store and flip
got a limited matisse print for less than 5 bucks and was able to flip for a nice change :pimp:

been really interested in a food stand/cart/truck type biz. was talking it over with my former co-worker
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