How big is Communication in a relationship? vol. Relationship 101

unless you two live together i don't see the big deal in finding out before or after...for the most part...

her friends scallywags?
What mouse said... further more..

Communication and talking ARE NOT synonyms. A lot of times, most of a message is communicated silently. It's not your answer to "Where were you?" that sends a message. It's your willingness to answer or her reasoning for asking that sends most of the message. Neither one of those motives is conveyed in the question though. You HAVE to be able to read and write between lines. Two people can spend hours talking w/o communicating anything clearly. It happens in most heated arguments. People need to do A LOT more towards understanding the full nature of verbal and non-verbal communication before they assume they have what it takes to make a relationship last, because you can't undo misscommunication. You can TRY to amend it a(Baby I'm so sorry!), and that may work sometimes. But the only way to truly fix issues of bad communication are to never fall into those traps in the first place. Know yourself. Chose your words, actions, thoughts, and most of all, YOUR WOMAN wisely..
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

She says stuff when she is mad though, so maybe she is just being a brat. But it bothers me, like i stay telling her BEFORE i go out. And she says oh ill tell you afterward. Like today, she woke up at 10 and went out with her friends. i text her around 2, she says shes out. Im like ok you cant tell me where ur going before? She says im with my friends blah blah. I need some stuff to do that that prevents me from thinking about her. Any suggestions? or maybe just find another girl. Its hard though after 2 years, im too involved.

I don't tell my boyfriend every single time I go out or where I'm going. Especially if we're not talking at the time.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

What mouse said... further more..

Communication and talking ARE NOT synonyms. A lot of times, most of a message is communicated silently. It's not your answer to "Where were you?" that sends a message. It's your willingness to answer or her reasoning for asking that sends most of the message. Neither one of those motives is conveyed in the question though. You HAVE to be able to read and write between lines. Two people can spend hours talking w/o communicating anything clearly. It happens in most heated arguments. People need to do A LOT more towards understanding the full nature of verbal and non-verbal communication before they assume they have what it takes to make a relationship last, because you can't undo misscommunication. You can TRY to amend it a(Baby I'm so sorry!), and that may work sometimes. But the only way to truly fix issues of bad communication are to never fall into those traps in the first place. Know yourself. Chose your words, actions, thoughts, and most of all, YOUR WOMAN wisely..
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