No both new york and pacers won the season sereis vs miami and I know its a what if and prbably not the casebut if lebron didn't make that gamewinner the series would've been over.
Not at all, it's clear that .......

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On paper it looks like one of the biggest upsets ever if it were to happen and when you factor in the fact that people were crowning Miami as the champs around march adds to that viewpoint. Even though to an extent you can say they deserved all the hype and talk they got during the season when they looked unbeatable most of the 2nd half of the season.

In reality, Indiana is a tough matchup for Miami and it shows, they played them tough last season, played them tough this season and with the exception of game 3 and the 2nd half of game 5, they've given Miami all they could handle this series so if they win it will be a big upset but I've seen bigger.

All that said, I just don't see Miami losing tomorrow and if they do, they deserve all the heat and negativity they'll have coming their way. Ultimately I think Indianas lack of a for sure go to guy in a close game/clutch situation will do them in, as will the fact that the game will probably be called to favor miamis style of play.

This Indiana team is a very good team but if the heat, the team that promised not 4, not 5, not 6, but 7 titles loses tomorrow, they crapped the bed and it will be damaging to their legacy.
As a Knicks fan... I believed that Indiana would win this series after watching what they did to New York. I was a firm believer the Knicks would eliminate the Heat in the ECF. So watching how hard Indy has played, I would say just their lack of "championship pedigree" might be the main reason why they would lose this series. That is all talking from a basketball standpoint...

But if anybody actually believes this won't be a huge upset is bugging out. It would be a huge upset to the legacy of Bron. Which when it boils down to it is the only thing people care about in regards to the Heat nowadays. After their "epic season"... they are the defending champs... It's a game 7 at HOME... It's gonna be so interesting in the sports world if it happens.
Would a Michael Jordan led team lose a game 7 at home, would a magic Johnson led team lose a game 7 at home, would a Kobe led team lose a game 7 at home, would a Larry bird led team lose a game 7 at home, would a Hakeem led team lose a game 7 at home.

If the pacers win this game (it can be argued whether its deserved or not) will have a significant effect on lebrons legacy.
This would be a huge upset but would be fitting for Stern as this will be his last NBA finals, being that he is stepping down at the next all star game. But, for all we know this may make him come back....Tony Kornheiser on his radio show has been begging for a Pacers - Spurs matchup, because it would be a nightmare for the league and its business partners.

But on the marketing end for Nike and the NBA this would be UGLY. Just think that one of the main players on Indiana (Lance Stephenson) wears AND -1 that is now sold at Wal-Mart. In the last couple of years the first commercial has been a Nike commercial after the championship was won (Ray Allen, Kobe Twice, Dirk and Lebron) Their is really no one Nike can market for a commercial right after the finals are over - after his language and homophobic slurs last night you definitely don't want Roy Hibbert, Paul George is not their yet. And I don't think Peak (Tony Parker) New Balance (Matt Bonner), And -1 (Lance Stephenson) and Adidas (Tim Duncan) will have a commercial ready for them right before the trophy presentation. Basically their is no one on either team that you can market to the casual fan like last year with Durant and Bron. Nike also loses out on the opportunity to promote another $260 + dollar shoe on the world's biggest stage.

On another level you lose the casual fan aspect because no one can identify with players on the Spurs or Pacers. At basketball courts all over America, the courts will be empty at 8 p.m., because everyone has to go watch "Bron" - nobody is rushing home to go see Tiago, George, Roy, Matt, or anyone else on those squads. You even have Stephen A Smith saying, I need to be in South Beach, not being excited to see the River Walk or Corn Fields. Dudes may even start talking to their wives, girlfriends, because they are not interested in that finals matchup.

With all that being said, I see the Heat winning game 7.
IF nike said they will drop a lebron shoe for 260 on their twitter account limited it would sell out they not worried as for the nba its not like the cavs spurs finals was any better if they really need the money they will put the advertisers on jerseys.
Would be one of the bigger upsets in recent memory. Let's not forget, a few weeks ago, people were talking about this Miami team as one of the best teams "of all time" and putting LBJ in GOAT conversations. Esp, when Lebron said "we are not just another team".
I think MIA will pull it through, and win the title, but if they lose, sure, it would be a huge upset.
It's not that big of an upset considering the whole point of the Miami heat is the big 3 plus filler players, when 2/3 of the big 3 are playin below standards and to top it off the pacers are attacking the weakness of the Heat ( inside presence ) it's a recipe for disastour.

Upset ? Yes.

That big of a upset? Depending who you ask.

One of the biggest upsets in sports? Not really.

If it does happen I could see NT blowing up and going crazy like the way it did on a fateful terrible Tuesday night in June 2004 when the pistons won.
Some good responses. Im still saying its a legacy damaging upset for lebron and this heat team if they cant pull out game 7 at home but we shall see soon enough...
Of course this will be one of the biggest upsets of the decades NT'ers think about it... Miami has been to the Finals everytime since they assembled. Miami is chosen to run the East and probably NBA for the next two-three seasons. If they go down to a lesser talented basketball team missing their best player in Danny Granger, The Heatles will not be able to run away from the criticisms of the media.
Of course this will be one of the biggest upsets of the decades NT'ers think about it... Miami has been to the Finals everytime since they assembled. Miami is chosen to run the East and probably NBA for the next two-three seasons. If they go down to a lesser talented basketball team missing their best player in Danny Granger, The Heatles will not be able to run away from the criticisms of the media.

Lol. Heatles. Never heard that one. You coin that or am i just late to the party again. Prolly the latter knowin my old *** heh.
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