How Can Anyone Listen to "Rick Ross"

senor giles

Mar 3, 2010
This dude is certified crash... its beyond me how people think he his actually decent. Puffy should have been shot for comparing him to Biggie. Dude was a rent a cop for god sakes.
Cool story bro.
even though son's post makes no sense i agree with the title...i have a hard time listening to ross he's wack IMO but to each their own...i gave him a try when he first came out but after Hov and Jeezy ran a train on him on that "hustlin" remix I've been telling people he should pick up DJing
Originally Posted by Senor Giles

This dude is certified crash... its beyond me how people think he his actually decent. Puffy should have been shot for comparing him to Biggie. Dude was a rent a cop for god sakes.

49 Post, retire this s/n and start over.
Ya'll need to chcek your heads. Everything this guy says is a lie. He lives this fake life as a drug dealer, makes terrible corny lyrics and corny songs with that ****** brown producer who has a case of turrets.
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