how can i become a good christian?

Mar 15, 2006
This is a serious thread.
i have always had a yearning for god and being able to practice christianity but i honestly dont know how to start.

my spiritual mentor in the past has been my mother but she passed away six years ago. I was angry and bitter with "god" and the very idea of god.

i feel like i am ready to accept god in my life again and would like some advice on how to get started. Slowly and thoughtfully.

any help is appreciated.
in all seriousness, I haven't had any major tragedies recently, but wouldn't mind learning to be more spiritual nowadays anyway.  I look forward to any tips
"Good" & "Christian"

Playing, but I'm not religious so I don't know 

You could just be a good person with or without the religious stuff tho..
You could try a Church, Niketalk belongs to Satan now.
im not trying to "focus" on god

NT is not a hindrance to me being religious. i was raised christian but i have "lost my way". interested to hear some advice on how i can get back on the path.

maybe recommend some books other than the obvious
Originally Posted by jhova718

 she passed away six years ago. I was angry and bitter with "god" and the very idea of god.

Been there...
...done that.

My cousin died and that sent me off the deep end - I grew up in the church and all that, but when she passed all that went out the window - real "Lt. Dan" from "Forrest Gump" war with God kinda stuff...

...the fact that you even have this yearning now is the spirit still alive within you.
Don't ask these type of questions on NT bro. You can start by reading the bible, praying daily and finding a church home
You want to be a good Christian? Really?

Here's what you do: make a list of things that you think would describe a good person. Follow that list.

If you can follow that list without being a good Christian, then so be it. A Bible will help, but honestly, if you need a 2000 year old book to tell you how to be a good person, you're probably screwed either way. Let the Bible guide your life, not dictate your life. It has to come from within you first, before you can seek it out.

All things are possible with God, but you have to make the first step. Being a good Christian is easy. All you have to do is repent, preach the Gospel, and accept Christ. Being a good person is MUCH harder. Which do you want to be?
Serious though this really isn't the place for what you looking for brah

And be more interested in being a believer then a Christian
A good Christian? Go to church

One with God? Meditate and keep ya karma points up
Now that I think about it, reading the Bible might not be such a good idea because that's how a lot of people become atheists.
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