how can I deal with a friend who keeps making excuses?

He has a girlfriend. claims his life has been better after moving from my area. He moved around 2008 and the last time we hung was august of last year. I've been looking out for him since we were young and now he just disposes of me like a ps3 game smh. w.e I don't care no more but I want my games back. dont have his # or address, just msn :smh:

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some very good points and I have truly moved on and consider him one of my fake friends. However, my mom is asking me where the game is. I tell her that hes busy and can't come because of summer school and that I'm busy too so we can't meet up. She would be mad af if she found out what was going on. She is going to yell at ME and ask what I did to him. She is going to question my personality as to how I could ruin such a long friendship. This has happened before and it took a really long time for her to drop it. I truthtully tell her that i don't know but she accuses me irrationally. Don't want this to happen again

Your mom?:stoneface:
Dude don't take it personally, some people can't just be blunt about situations and let you know up front what's up. I dealt with this growing up all the time. :smh: You just get used to it or stop asking.
k this is bs. #### tells me hell mail me the game if i give him $10, he does have it. He has no reason to avoid me, i got his phone number and going to ask him wtf is going on. Should I be aggressive in my tone and diction to demand an answer out of him or will that scare him off? Really pissed off right now :smh:
I live by the "Three Strikes You're Out" rule when I deal with people.

I'll let you turn me down / I'll forgive you three times before I give up you. After that, you're dead to me and I'm not gonna bother anymore. I'll give you three shots to help me or me to help you. After that you're on your own.

As for your PS3 games, they're gone, just chalk it up to that the price you paid to have this person out of your life forever. No need to buy birthday or holiday gifts or send a card, cuz they're done and you can stop wasting time and stressing out about this person and get on with your life.
we are having difficulty setting up a playdate on monday. I don't want to go to his area as I could get jumped but he is reluctant to go to my place. Willing to meet up tho so all hope is not lost.
some very good points and I have truly moved on and consider him one of my fake friends. However, my mom is asking me where the game is. I tell her that hes busy and can't come because of summer school and that I'm busy too so we can't meet up. She would be mad af if she found out what was going on. She is going to yell at ME and ask what I did to him. She is going to question my personality as to how I could ruin such a long friendship. This has happened before and it took a really long time for her to drop it. I truthtully tell her that i don't know but she accuses me irrationally. Don't want this to happen again

I'm sorry OP.. But are you 12?.. Why does your mom know anything about your ps3 games? And why would you need to explain it to her? I mean if he just got married.. Then I assume you gotta be at least 21.. You shoudnt owe any kind of explanation to your mom. Dude is obviously not tryna see you. I know it sucks. I went thru kinda the same thing. But it's reality. Chalk the game up as a loss. N stop hittin dude up. N no disrespect to your mom but.. Kinda seems like she needs to back up off your social life.
Everytime we will set up a date to meetup but the day before, I'll ask to confirm, and he'll say hes busy. He's done this like 20 times now. I don't know why he is acting so strange. He gives me these bs responses like "lmao" or "I have things to do". There is no reason for him to hate me.

:smh: at you catching feelings after only getting your back blown out a few times. its called smash and dash for a reason.
Your friend is a loser, period. You wanting to hang out with him makes YOU a loser. Delete his number and find a cooler friend.
In the same situation myself but I want to cut him loose because our lifestyles are not the same( he thinks partying and drinking while living with his mom and *****ing all the time is that life) , I work full time and just dog tired to go out, plus he just drains me when we hang out, just don't want to hear his dumb **** anymore plus he is a horrible wing man. But it's when u have history with people and like their dam but just don't know how to tell him for the second time( we met up like 2 years ago after I cut ties with everybody after a real bad break up, mom had cancer) just tired of his lazy always complaining but I really don't have many friends but I am a loner by nature. Man this venting helped, just move on op like I am the negatives out way the positives
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