How can this NOT be theft?

Originally Posted by Agent Andre

The point I'm making is that there are worst tradgedies besides the holocaust
Please post examples....
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Iansmk

im a little suprised this dude can get so reckless with questioning the severity of the holocaust(and whether it happened), but a michael jackson joke will get you hated for life on here. with the (shyheim ft big L) - furious anger of 7 pages of hate and shock. poor jews.

Sloppy attempt at stirring up a pointless back and forth that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.


im less of a mccain, and more of a bob dole with the pencil in his hand.

but seriously, am i wrong? the OP was about the theft of land in palestine, and than he related that to how the 'claims' of the holocaust are shoved inhis face. lets take a look at OP.
Now i understand the Jews got kicked outta Germany, claiming millions were killed. That sounds unjust, but what about the theft of the land of Palestinians?

How did this slip by the governments of the world and the UN!? What happened to the rights of the Palestinians?

Hes indicating that the Jews got 'kicked out', and he also is indicating that hes skeptical about millions even got killed. So, holocaust denying,and referring the the extermination and torture of around 6 million jews (and a couple more million of other 'undesirables') as 'being kicked outof Germany'... i dunno, sorry if you consider my opinion trolling, but how is you coming in here and disregarding my point any different than trolling?I'm not even denying what Israel is and has done to Palestine isn't messed up, and that America tends to focus on paying tribute to tragedies based onthe voting demographic, but what OP said was suspect.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

I didnt live thru the 40's and 50's, im just going by word of mouth.

Ok ok, to the jew i offended: Millions were killed. You happy now? What, am i supposed to NOT FORGET??

Back to the topic of conversation. I think the israeli government are theieves and conivers. How do you steal peoples land and than ask to be remembered for holocaust?
I dunno, ask the native americans

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