How detrimental to your physique is drinking heavily once a week?

Sep 7, 2009
If you drink heavily once (or twice) a week, but otherwise eat well and live an extremely healthy lifestyle, how much damage are you doing to yourself? 

And how much harder is it to maintain a fit, low body fat physique?
hard liquor is less calories than beer, so its better to drink that if you want to maintain weight. either way you're damaging your liver and kidneys...
Originally Posted by diew its james

hard liquor is less calories than beer, so its better to drink that if you want to maintain weight. either way you're damaging your liver and kidneys...

yes, the liquor by itself has less calories, but as soon as you start mixing with soda it's worse, unless you use diet.
I been trying to tell people it's always calories in vs. calories out. I was able to get into the best shape of my life while drinking more than just once a night. Just plan ahead. If you're going out then maybe do an extra 30 mins of cardio or something.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Not even the least bit concerned.


Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I been trying to tell people it's always calories in vs. calories out. I was able to get into the best shape of my life while drinking more than just once a night. Just plan ahead. If you're going out then maybe do an extra 30 mins of cardio or something.

And that.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I been trying to tell people it's always calories in vs. calories out. I was able to get into the best shape of my life while drinking more than just once a night. Just plan ahead. If you're going out then maybe do an extra 30 mins of cardio or something.

In the words of John Wooden, why not just do an extra 30 mins of cardio whether or not you will be dirnking.
reading that article posted. came across such a simple fact that i didnt even think about. It isnt so much that you are drinking, it's all the crappy food you eat afterward.

for me at least that rings true lol. I eat like a savage at 4 AM if I'm drink out and about. Anything deep fried with some cheese in/on it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I been trying to tell people it's always calories in vs. calories out. I was able to get into the best shape of my life while drinking more than just once a night. Just plan ahead. If you're going out then maybe do an extra 30 mins of cardio or something.

In the words of John Wooden, why not just do an extra 30 mins of cardio whether or not you will be dirnking.

True though.
yep just count the calories fam. If you're not gonna put in the extra work to make up for the excess calories you're taking in, then it will be detrimental to your physique.
I ask because lately I've made a concerted effort to eat a lot healthier, yet then the weekend rolls around and I go out and drink.

I'm worried I'm undoing the benefits of my otherwise healthy diet.

Article was really interesting.
Well I view eating unhealthy good on the weekends the same way you all view getting twisted. Eat right all week, then every once in a while I want some pizza or a bean pie. Feels bad man.
Originally Posted by DubA169

reading that article posted. came across such a simple fact that i didnt even think about. It isnt so much that you are drinking, it's all the crappy food you eat afterward.

for me at least that rings true lol. I eat like a savage at 4 AM if I'm drink out and about. Anything deep fried with some cheese in/on it.

Yup. Alcohol in moderation is Okay for, and according to that article, even beneficial to one's health. It's the dumb %!+# we do while under the influence that is detrimental
. Anywhere from over eating, operating a vehicle to smashing a random w no rubber

I have a Love/hate relationship with alcohol
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