how did u choose ur major or field of work?

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I chose investment banking because:

I wanted to make lots of money as quickly as possible and stack my resume for business school.

I don't think I can be any more candid. Most people don't like the job. Liking your job is irrelevant at our age. When you are under 25, your goal should be to stack credentials and build a stable financial platform to hedge against entrepreneurial risk. You can choose a career once you have the creds.
LOL at tough talk and hedge.


OP, no one comes out knowing what they like until they've tried it.  That's why school is for.  Expose yourself and get a feel for whatever it is you want to do.  But the reality is, you'll need to compromise between what pays and what you want to do.

Chose Political Science because it just felt natural. Been interested since I was 5 years old.
i chose biomedical engineering because it's the fastest growing engineering field and i can make a lot of money in it.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

i chose biomedical engineering because it's the fastest growing engineering field and i can make a lot of money in it.
smart man
It chose me. If I could go back in time and tell hip-hop not to choose me or to lewt my intelligence be used on something more...square... I would. But I've been in love with my craft for longer than I've loved myself. It's not an easy life, and if you actually care about your legacy and not just money, it's often depressing. But I am who and WHAT I am... an MC. I think in rhymes. I dream of songs then wake up and do the best I can to bring them to ife the way I envisioned them. When it's real, it's inside of the HULK... and you just have to find ways to accept it, work with it, and balance it. It's hard not given two @@$!+ or a piss about life and only caring about music. I don't recommend choosing this path.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

i chose biomedical engineering because it's the fastest growing engineering field and i can make a lot of money in it.
do u enjoy it? if u dont enjoy it how do u feel going to work every day?
Criminal Justice Major.
I seriously would not make it through college if i had to take 15+ courses for a field that i had absolultye in interest in and then doing it for the rest of my life.

Criminology is an interesting field for myself. So i chose it. Money seems to be pretty average. to begin with. 

Still working on my BA for it right now.
My uncles and dad got me in.

Assembly line.

I wanted to be a xray tech. I @%!!+! hate school though. Dropped out after my first year of college.
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

i chose biomedical engineering because it's the fastest growing engineering field and i can make a lot of money in it.
do u enjoy it? if u dont enjoy it how do u feel going to work every day?
i'm still finishing my masters, but i can't really say i enjoy it. i don't think i would enjoy anything in an academic setting. i really dislike school and the way it's structured. but i have a family to take care of, so the prospect of making a decent living keeps me hanging in there. 
Any Physical Therapists in the NYC area out there? I recently graduated with my B.Sc in Kinesiology because I thought I would go into medicine but I really didn't see myself doing that. I have always been interested in Physical Therapy though bc of injuries I got playing sports growing up and always found the rehab process interesting.

I've been working in auto insurance (injury claims) since graduating and, even though the money is decent ($46K 6 months in), I'm thinking about going back to school. Just not sure what the market/money is like in PT and if it's worth it...
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

i chose biomedical engineering because it's the fastest growing engineering field and i can make a lot of money in it.
do u enjoy it? if u dont enjoy it how do u feel going to work every day?
i'm still finishing my masters, but i can't really say i enjoy it. i don't think i would enjoy anything in an academic setting. i really dislike school and the way it's structured. but i have a family to take care of, so the prospect of making a decent living keeps me hanging in there. 
im kinda the same way. i absolutely hate school but i know that i need money in order to survive in this day and age
Originally Posted by k32m

Any Physical Therapists in the NYC area out there? I recently graduated with my B.Sc in Kinesiology because I thought I would go into medicine but I really didn't see myself doing that. I have always been interested in Physical Therapy though bc of injuries I got playing sports growing up and always found the rehab process interesting.

I've been working in auto insurance (injury claims) since graduating and, even though the money is decent ($46K 6 months in), I'm thinking about going back to school. Just not sure what the market/money is like in PT and if it's worth it...
The market in PT will be growing, but you also have to consider how many OWN their practice. That is a tremendous difference than working for a large clinic in terms of salary. I'd recommend the Doctoral versus the Masters in physical therapy. Plenty of schools are actually changing and going away from the Masters and just offering the DPT. The difference for a lot of schools is also just 1 year.

The PT I worked with post-knee op started in his 20s (now 50+). He has 3 clinics and basically hires the fresh grads to staff. He still works with patients but has also transitioned into managing the business. It definitely seems like a lucrative and enjoyable career. Owning 3 clinics and working Tues-Thurs and a half day on Friday. What can be better at his age?
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by danextjordan23

Mlm marketing cuz 1/2 2012 grads r unemployed or underemployed. Screw working for "the man". Entrepreneurship at its finest. Have fun paying off loans for 3 years!!
what do u do?
bro not everybody in the world can be an entrepreneur...and there are plenty more "entrepreneurs" stuck paying off business loans for businesses that failed...but dont worry bruh, you'll probably be "danextjordan"
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by odog24

do u enjoy it? if u dont enjoy it how do u feel going to work every day?
i'm still finishing my masters, but i can't really say i enjoy it. i don't think i would enjoy anything in an academic setting. i really dislike school and the way it's structured. but i have a family to take care of, so the prospect of making a decent living keeps me hanging in there. 
im kinda the same way. i absolutely hate school but i know that i need money in order to survive in this day and age
exactly. a lot of people think that it's terrible to live that way. i see my dad who doesn't really enjoy his job but still enjoys life because he can provide for his family. 
I landed in my field by luck really, I was a math & science major, which would have gotten me NOTHING after graduation...received a letter about the respiratory program trying to recruit me, I ran with it, graduated and now I have a pretty secure job, hope it stays that way, totally changed my life.
I took classes, did a lot of volunteering in hospitals and clinics, and read a lot about becoming a doctor and what doctors do.
ive considering going back to school to finish up my bachelors. Im interested/fascinated with dead bodies, and blood. Im currently a Butcher making decent money. I have a strong stomach obviously...Ive been thinking about going into forensics, and recently (idky) mortuary science
...any other suggestions?
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