how did you guys learn to cook?

I just learned from my mother. I learned to cook what she cooked.

Every now and then I switch it up and make something original. I never used a cookbook in my life.
start off sticking to recipes until you can decide how and what you want to change in a dish

cooking shows- they help a lot with learning what flavors go together
trial and error.

my mother admittedly is not best cook, but she has a few dishes that are
I learned a lot of technique by watching friends and lots of trial/error.

Recipes/ideas generally from the web..

Once you get going, you'll start to realize that it's not at all about recipes(except for baking), but all technique and understanding flavors. I tendto use recipes for ingredient ideas, and that's about it.

Also, try getting good at ONE thing first. Perfect it, then move on to the next.

Start with:

I always cop chicken on sale for like 5 bucks and roast 'em. Grub for a few days.
I started by getting recipes and ideas from friends/family. After that moved to the internet.
I'm planning on asking my mom to teach me how to cook soon. I can't live off spam and corned beef any longer
Food Network.

Its all trial and error, you won't perfect anything on the first try.

Follow some recipes and eventually you'll have the confidence to come up with your own.

Keep it simple.
if you can follow instructions, you can cook.

just buy a cookbook or look online. i like

the more you do it, the more you'll begin to learn how to improvise.
follow instructions but don't go exactly by them. like with cookies add more chocolate chips.
add/subtract stuff in the ingredients to make it taste better.
most recipes aren't that great if followed exactly
I'm learning to cook right now. I find myself learning the most from friends and family, followed by the Internet, Food Network, and then cookbooks.
trial & online are a big help too.

waiting for that day to bag me a rachelray-esq type broad. modern day females that be scared of that kitchen FTL.
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