How do u deal with dissapointing ur parents?

You don't deal with it! They including friends and other family have their opinions and concerns, and you have yours. If she can't accept it than what can you do? Break up with a girl you care and love just to appease your mom? Pretty damn obvious your mom is selfish and care more about what she wants than what you want. Live your life OP.

This right here.
You did it wrong. You shoulda told them you wanted to marry a man first. Let that hang in the air.
Then before WW3 broke loose, calm them down and tell them its actually an asian woman.
That first thought woulda had them so livid, that anything else you said woulda been an upgrade.
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I know where you're coming from, I have very traditional Asian parents as well. I think they'll get over it and understand that it makes YOU happy, and at the end of the day that's what they want for their kids.
I am feeling such dissapointment, happiness, mix etc of stuff right now.

Told my very very old school traditional indian parents that ive had a non indian gf (asian) for the past thee years and we want to get married.

Dad took it fine..but mom just broke down crying etc.

Hate seeing flaws in parents. So dissapointed in her. She is so smart, well read, progressive but so close minded about this one area.

I cant be happy in what should be the happiest time of my life knowing how much she feels she failed with me.

Nt....words of advice?
Let your mother know how you are feeling. What you just told us, tell her. In a respectful way of course.

But you have to live your life man. Your girl, your wedding, your future kids. If your mother can't handle that, why feel bad about it? I know it is your mother but it is your life. She has to get over it. Don't make her make you change as if you are doing something wrong by dating outside of your culture.

But sit down and talk to her 1 on 1 man. Make her realize how ignorant she sounds and hopefully she comes around.
Comes a point in life where you become the adult and your parents become the children. Your mom crying over who you love is very selfish and immature. Oldschool is just a nice way of putting antiquated ideals. Since your dad is with it recruit him to help you put her in her place. It's 2014 and this world is as crap as ever. The least she can do is support you in your relationships.
Indian parents are way too judgemental and pressuring on their kids, and it gets especially annoying as you get older. Personally I'll want to marry an indian chick since I don't see myself in an interracial marriage....but with a brown girl comes a ton of drama included free of charge :lol I think your mom really cares about what your relatives may think and what not, or even the notion that she won't get along with your girls family etc...a lot of variables here, but I'd suggest you carefully think about it, and not steer toward a marriage unless you are really committed to her and see her holding you down no matter what. Marriage in indian culture is a huge ordeal and is considered just as important as child birth
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Live YOUR life.


You don't deal with it! They including friends and other family have their opinions and concerns, and you have yours. If she can't accept it than what can you do? Break up with a girl you care and love just to appease your mom? Pretty damn obvious your mom is selfish and care more about what she wants than what you want. Live your life OP.


Grow a pair.

and these
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