How do you average 50 plus post per day for over a week?

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:lol: How is saying, "if you feel that I trolled you or harassed you" an apology when I boldly said that you trolled me. I can look for the many post........ That is not a sincere apology.

Its w/e its not that serious
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Going in on you son. Aunt
must be in town this week, or even worst, not.


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50 posts is nothing, I could bang out 150 a day if I wanted to.

Especially if you just say like 5 words per post.
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idk about 50 per day, but it seems like 25 a day is max for most NTers. Well, maybe FutureDHughes could do 50+... Maybe rice boy, too... and a few others, but thats it lol
I refuse to believe Anton went from OD post whoring to cold turkey quitting.
Don't think he had an option to post....him and sillyputty were both banned on Yuku. And it may have been an IP ban b/c we never saw those dudes under new SNs for the rest of our time on Yuku. The only reason FutureMD exists is because of the switch to Huddler.

What slays me is that dude was signed up the same day of the switch, so you know buddy was waiting in the rafters like Sting for months, stalking a forum he couldn't post on. Dude couldn't wait to let those fingers start flying across that keyboard again. Imagine how amped he was when he could create a new NT account lol.
FutureMD isn't Anton.  Dude isn't even in medschool yet.

Anton got IP banned for a while, then Meth let him out of jail but permabanned his username.

Dude's a 4th year med student pulling OD hours right now.  He isn't on NT.  He doesn't even lurk.  He DOES browse reddit now though.  And is doing all his postwhoring on facebook.

He is by no means silly putty though.  Isn't silly putty Optimus Prime?  In which case, then you've seen his picture posted in exposure threads.  Why would you think he's Anton?  You've seen his pic too.
I refuse to believe Anton went from OD post whoring to cold turkey quitting.

Don't think he had an option to post....him and sillyputty were both banned on Yuku. And it may have been an IP ban b/c we never saw those dudes under new SNs for the rest of our time on Yuku. The only reason FutureMD exists is because of the switch to Huddler.

What slays me is that dude was signed up the same day of the switch, so you know buddy was waiting in the rafters like Sting for months, stalking a forum he couldn't post on. Dude couldn't wait to let those fingers start flying across that keyboard again. Imagine how amped he was when he could create a new NT account lol.

FutureMD isn't Anton.  Dude isn't even in medschool yet.

Anton got IP banned for a while, then Meth let him out of jail but permabanned his username.

Dude's a 4th year med student pulling OD hours right now.  He isn't on NT.  He doesn't even lurk.  He DOES browse reddit now though.  And is doing all his postwhoring on facebook.

He is by no means silly putty though.  Isn't silly putty Optimus Prime?  In which case, then you've seen his picture posted in exposure threads.  Why would you think he's Anton?  You've seen his pic too.

I'm assuming you're asking me since you quoted me, but I've never thought Anton and putty were the same person. Like you said, the exposure pic and Anton's infamous trench coat pic prove that.
Imagine if you were in the computer lab at your school or some **** and you look over to the computer next to you and you see DipsetGeneral posting on Niketalk mind would be blown to see some of these people on here in real life form. With all the people that are on this site we've all probably ran into a Niketalker at some point and had no clue. This one dude I worked with said he was on Niketalk and I told him I was too, but neither of us ever said what our user names were :lol:...I feel like it would be kinda awkward if we were both like "oh **** I've seen you post in Sports and Training"
When did this happen someone send me the putty photoshop.
Op u lame for this thread
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