How do you feel about pooping in public?

it all depends on where the bathroom is located. For example, at my old HS, for some reason the bathrooms were located in the main hallway. So it ws super crowded, and you knew if somebody was in there pooping, and then they come out and you have that awkward stare moment. Now this was only bad when you ran into that pretty girl you liked, and you kinda had to pla it off like you were cleaning your sneaks,not dooking it out. No chick wants to talkt o a guy right after he poops
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Hell yeah! Gotz to doo, what you gotz to doo!


I don't really care for pooping in public if the bathroom is sanitary. 

If you hold in your @%$%, the more water is absorbed by the large intestine.

So, if you want to avoid constipation, then yeah, poop in public. 
I wont do it. Like I literally can not do it.
I've driven home just to drop a deuce plenty of times
If I gotta go, I gotta go
I don't know how many times I've had to pull over and drop one off at a Burger King or Jack In The Box.
I guess I don't fret about public restrooms from all those years of having to use porta pottys at cross country/track meets. My god
some of those were just
I don't really care as long as I am not double-dumping it. That's when two people are taking a dump at the same time - stall-to-stall.
I actually love it..

When i walk out sometimes i do the....


to let them know what time it is

Actually when i was in college i made a vow to myself to #%$$ in every available cubicle in the building. Not sure i ever did but i remember on numerous occasions getting asked if i was lost just cause i was looking for a new john to merk 
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