How Do You Feel about the HB2 law? VOL....NORTH CAROLINA

Yea I'm throwing out insults but its ok to compare homosexuals to child molesters right?
It's ok to use pseudoscientific bigotry to try to diminish their existence right.
Show me where I said anything like this
Stop extrapolating a pedophile group erroneously using the gay rights movement

Oh u you're into revisionist history? Cool.

Henry "Harry" Hay, Jr. (April 7, 1912 – October 24, 2002) was a prominent American gay rights activist, communist, labor advocate, and Native American civil rights campaigner. He was a founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States, as well as the Radical Faeries, a loosely affiliated gay spiritual movement.

[B]Hay joined several other early gay rights activists in protesting the exclusion of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) from participation in LGBT social movements, most noticeably pride parades on the grounds that such exclusions pandered to heterosexual-dominated society.[102] When questioned on his support for NAMBLA in a 1983 New York University forum, he remarked "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world", highlighting his own relationship with an adult man when he was 14.[175] At the 1986 Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade he courted controversy by carrying a banner with "NAMBLA Walks With Me" written on it, after organizers banned the group from joining the march; the organisers complained to police and he narrowly avoided arrest.[/B][176]

Im still waiting on my civil rights NAMBLA question.. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
:lol: @ downplaying a LGBT icon as some guy.
Ninjahood did.

read his response to my post 

Sooooooo you can pop out for that but still dodging direction questions?
Now quote the post where he compared being a homosexual to being a child molester because I can't seem to locate it
Stop extrapolating a pedophile group erroneously using the gay rights movement

Oh u you're into revisionist history? Cool.

Henry "Harry" Hay, Jr. (April 7, 1912 – October 24, 2002) was a prominent American gay rights activist, communist, labor advocate, and Native American civil rights campaigner. He was a founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States, as well as the Radical Faeries, a loosely affiliated gay spiritual movement.

[B]Hay joined several other early gay rights activists in protesting the exclusion of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) from participation in LGBT social movements, most noticeably pride parades on the grounds that such exclusions pandered to heterosexual-dominated society.[102] When questioned on his support for NAMBLA in a 1983 New York University forum, he remarked "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world", highlighting his own relationship with an adult man when he was 14.[175] At the 1986 Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade he courted controversy by carrying a banner with "NAMBLA Walks With Me" written on it, after organizers banned the group from joining the march; the organisers complained to police and he narrowly avoided arrest.[/B][176]

Im still waiting on my civil rights NAMBLA question.. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
:lol: @ downplaying a LGBT icon as some guy.
Sooooooo you can pop out for that but still dodging direction questions?
Now quote the post where he compared being a homosexual to being a child molester because I can't seem to locate it
why are u going so hard?

ask me a direct question and I'll answer it,.
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Im still waiting on my civil rights NAMBLA question.. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
:lol: @ downplaying a LGBT icon as some guy.

There are several LGBT icons, clearly this one had other agendas. How can't you get that through your bigoted skull? :lol:

I have no idea who this guy is I'm sorry, I'm sure you did very extensive research to find bad apples.

And yet..

He was a founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States

Nambla civil rights...still waitin on that answer [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Transgenders aren't hurting anyone. People calling it a mental illness serves no other point than to stigmatize them like when homosexuality was still considered an illness. Eventually they'll become more accepted like homosexuals, at least I would hope so. I couldn't care less who uses which restroom. If these laws' reasoning is "a matter of safety for women and children", that's a completely baseless argument. How many transgenders have attacked someone in public restrooms?

What's stopping a gay man from attacking me in the male restroom? Should they get a separate bathroom as well to "protect us"?
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Hey keep that Census nonsense in the other thread lmao
Transgenders aren't hurting anyone. People calling it a mental illness serves no other point than to stigmatize them like when homosexuality was still considered an illness. Eventually they'll become more accepted like homosexuals, at least I would hope so.
Why do you guys keep painting us like that.

I have no issue with transgenders.

Your stigmatizing mental illness not me.

I think mental illness is one of the most glossed over illnesses out there.
Im still waiting on my civil rights NAMBLA question.. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
:lol: @ downplaying a LGBT icon as some guy.

There are several LGBT icons, clearly this one had other agendas. How can't you get that through your bigoted skull? :lol:

I have no idea who this guy is I'm sorry, I'm sure you did very extensive research to find bad apples.

And yet..

He was a founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States

Nambla civil rights...still waitin on that answer [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Why do you guys keep painting us like that.

I have no issue with transgenders.

Your stigmatizing mental illness not me.

I think mental illness is one of the most glossed over illnesses out there.
mental illness along with many diagnoses and labels in our society can handicap a person worse than the symptoms and struggles they face.

when i treat clients i never even address diagnoses.
Why do you guys keep painting us like that.

I have no issue with transgenders.

Your stigmatizing mental illness not me.

I think mental illness is one of the most glossed over illnesses out there.
Wasn't necessarily directed at you, more generally speaking. There is an enormous amount of bigotry towards homosexuals and transgenders and referring to them as mentally ill is commonly used by such people to stigmatize them. Studies suggest it is not strictly caused by psychological/behavioral factors but also due to biological factors (genetics, hormone makeup, brain structure, ...)

Gender dysphoria is in the DSM-5 but the author states that gender nonconformity in itself isn't a mental illness. Gender dysphoria in the DSM-5 is solely the mental consequences (stress, anxiety, ...) that are a result from the condition.
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Another attempt by someone who sounds like they never graduated high school to delve into science and medicine.

Homosexuality is not a mental illness, it used to be because observation of homosexuals characterized a lot of them as depressed, anxious, etc about their sexuality. Further research showed that they weren't anxious about their sexuality, they were anxious about horrible people like ninjahood and yourself viewing them as evil, handicapped, unnatural addition to the possibility of discrimination and physical harm.

Homosexuality is not an "illness" because it is "ego-syntonic". Homosexuals inherently are ok with being gay, their anxiety about their sexuality is EXTERNAL.

You should be picking up a book, yet you're keeping up the oral defecation. Read a book.

And learn how to formulate a coherent sentence while you're at it, I could barely make out what you just typed.
Ok, I know how you feel about homosexuality.

How about transgenders?
Studies suggest it is not strictly caused by psychological/behavioral factors but also due to biological factors (genetics, hormone makeup, brain structure, ...)
Aint that what I've been tryna say this whole time?

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To me these laws are silly and any state that passes them deserves to lose all money possible by ppl and businesses bringing in money to those states.

This issue is ridiculous. The lot of us have grown up in households where both males and females have used the same bathroom for the most part. This idea that public bathrooms are hotspots for transgenders to attack children or expose themselves is a completely manufactured "threat" fueled by bigots who want to continue to discriminate on the LBGTQ community.

Also this whole bring your birth certificate with you to the bathroom for some dude to check before you use the bathroom is insane. These idiots about to create a market for doctored birth certificates

NBA shouldn't have backed down. They literally should have relocated ASW
Silver slipping.
I agree these laws are ridiculous and can't even really be enforced just a waste of time 
 Whats funny is that the people I know that support this are also all about the government staying out of peoples lives but they are cool with this law even though the only way it could even possibly be enforced would be more government involvement in peoples lives 

Havent they also light years ahead of us when it comes to sex in general though?

Like dont they allow nudity on TV, redlight districts, drug use is more lenient?

Our culture aint about thst life yet.
Y'all don't have nudity on tv? What? Do they censor it or is it only allowed on channels like HBO etc? No damns given here. Music isn't censored either.
There's a few red light districts here in Belgium. The Netherlands have much more.
Weed isn't legal here but sentencing for drugs is very mild.
And yes nudity is very taboo here and sex is treated that way in general. The USA is very far behind on issues of sexuality in general.
I agree these laws are ridiculous and can't even really be enforced just a waste of time 
 Whats funny is that the people I know that support this are also all about the government staying out of peoples lives but they are cool with this law even though the only way it could even possibly be enforced would be more government involvement in peoples lives 

And yes nudity is very taboo here and sex is treated that way in general. The USA is very far behind on issues of sexuality in general.
That's ridiculous. I've always found it strange how y'all censor music in the US but I didn't know that about nudity.

Shows like Spartacus and Game Of Thrones are aired on regular channels here and not even at late times either.
I love how ninjahood keeps plucking these random groups/persons out to prove his point.

Top level troll I swear.

Top $#%&ing level.
What should be against the law is the grown me using the bathroom and just diddy bopping out with out washing you hands

Fam you 30 with bad bathroom hygiene

Also making the last stall absolutely disgusting
No it doesn't.

You got nothing backing what you think other than uneducated opinion on the topic.

It doesn't pass muster. Go learn something and try again.
I hope you people babbling this psych stuff have an actual background or education on psychology

I don't get.

So now you need to have a degree in any subject you want to voice an opinion on?
There's informed opinions and then there's uninformed let me pull this out of my *** opinions.

So far your opinions are the latter. They have little to no worth. You're just kinda guessing and reaching instead of talking from a position of experience.

Why should your opinion matter when we got experts in the field that are better suited to speak on it? You just can't up and decide somebody has a mental disorder cuz you don't agree with it.
I feel like alot of you guys would agree with Ninja hood if it was somebody else posting it
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