How do you get your sneaker money?

i'm 29 years old.

i have over 30 pairs of shoes that i know that i will NEVER wear! no point of having them IMO.

my advice to you young cats - don't waste your money on this. save up for college, future, whatever - just don't save it up for shoes!
I too played 3 sports so, I worked at the country club in the summer, reffed soccer/lacrosse/bball games on spare time and just had my parents buy em. Some kid at school used to sell soda and candy and he'd make alot of money since we only had sugar free and nasty stuff.
Kick a girl scouts ***, set up cookie shop and stick that money in your pockets
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I heard that if you go to something will pop up saying they only select 8 winners for $500 gift card. it will say you are the last winner for the day. enter your mobile phone number. then it will send a pin to your phone. There is a countdown timer saying you have 100 and somthing seconds to enter the pin that you recieved on your phone. get the pin entered on the website then it will take you somewhere else called quality health . com where there will be a form to sign up for complimentary offers. I'm Surprised this ever happened to anyone else. this is not a scam / fake!
I would do high school stuff like, mow your neighbors' lawns and shovel their snow.
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Hello, I'm steven I'm new to here buuutt

I just don't get how people my age (highschool) have ALL these shoes and they are like 14-16.  How do they have 3 pairs of $400 dollar shoes?

I really want to add more to my collection but I really have no money.

How do you young sneakerheads earn your money to buy the newest shoes?
Honestly it depends, some of these guys who go to my school work at Footlocker/Champs/Finish Line so they use their job money and discount to get the kicks at a cheaper price. To be honest I think the vast majority of kids are spoiled by the parents as you can see by the large amount of teens with Yeezy's in the hype beast thread. 
Basically. My parents would cop me 1 pair per year. Any pairs after that I would have to buy.

90s babies :smh:

right...because everyone knows in the 80s there was that 1 shoe per year ceiling the government placed on parents. :D

always gotta be cuz they're 90s babies :smh:

anyway...i threw parties, wrote papers, and saved lunch money in high school to have extra dough since i ran track, which was 3 months short of being year round.
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