How do you guys stay awake? Vol early mornings

Sep 4, 2009
Woke up at 7am for work and I feel like I'm gonna crash in couple hours. I work til 4pm today so I'm wondering what's the best way to stay awake? Btw redbull never works
Green tea....not the lipton or arizona stuff but the real deal. Pretty good for you and it has loads of caffeine.
Just stay busy...

Drink some cold'll be amazed how time will fly and after a while your body/mind will adjust...
Drink plenty of water, green tea, black tea, coffee (with little to no sugar), almonds, apples, a proper and healthy lunch, etc.

Get more sleep.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Drink plenty of water, green tea, black tea, coffee (with little to no sugar), almonds, apples, a proper and healthy lunch, etc.

Get more sleep.
this is your best bet.

did you just start a new job?  how come you werent getting up at 7am before?

im an old man, and therefore am on an old man schedule.  right out of college i resisted and i still had the young mans blood so I could operate on minimal sleep.  no more.  i get up between 6-7am almost everyday to either work out, get ready for work, or because my dog needs to go outside to pee.  i need to be in bed by 11p at the latest or else i wont get enough sleep and will feel groggy and slow all day.

Need some of this asdvice as well. I get a max of 6 hours nightly due to school work. Always crash around 1
The first 2 hours after I wake up are always the hardest.

My thing is coffee. If I don't have a cup every morning, I'll be sluggish all day.

I usually run on 4-5 hours of sleep daily. On my days off I make sure I get that hibernation sleep because it's not easy doing that everyday.
Go to sleep earlier>>>>any enhancers

All my coworkers run to the coffee pot every morning, live and die by that stuff.

I cant get into coffee, just not a habit I want to get used too...
up at 4 am out the door by 5:15 am. I won't have coffee until I get to my office until 6:45 am.

as already mentioned coffee would probably be your best bet. more of a mental wake up instead of a body rush like energy drinks.
 I'm up by 445 every morning and out the door by 530. Start work at 7 and dont usually get off till 5. Wide awake a soon as a leave. Drink some coffee, and sleep earlier.
drink yerba mate. not only will it keep you going but it helps balance your circadian cycle. mate for the win always.

if you have caffeine sensitivity  drink tulsi
once im up for like a half hour, its smooth sailing. its that first hour or so that im ready to kill anybody who talks to me.
go to bed earlier if you know you have to get up earlier
drink green tea
wash your face with cold water
take a shower
eat an apple
a cold shower in the morning, breakfast and coffee then tea throughout the day
also make sure you stay active if you sit or do something monotonous your gonna fall asleep
so stretch out, take a walk, if you are confined to like an office pace back and forth
Originally Posted by mrkane

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

As most have said, 7-8 hrs of sleep a night.
that ^^

What are yall...... 7? Theres no way i'll ever get that much sleep. Kobe don't even go off til about 1am Eastern time lol. I need a solid 5-6 then i'm good. Like others have a good diet goes a long way.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by mrkane

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

As most have said, 7-8 hrs of sleep a night.
that ^^

What are yall...... 7? Theres no way i'll ever get that much sleep. Kobe don't even go off til about 1am Eastern time lol. I need a solid 5-6 then i'm good. Like others have a good diet goes a long way.

You sound like an idiot. 
Odds are, you're fat and don't lift.

Sit down you sedentary being.
I don't have a problem in the morning (wake up at 615 to get to work by 830) but when 2-3pm rolls around I get sleepier than a mofo

I usually just have a cup of coffee and blast some ignorant workout music to get through the last few hours
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