How do you make pork fried rice?

Originally Posted by Fresh2Death2004

Originally Posted by NobleKane

leftover rice? wouldnt it be stale as all hell?

It should be day old rice, so that it's dry. If you use freshly cooked rice, it'll be too soggy. You gotta find the proper balance.

And it's not that hard at all. Scramble a couple eggs, and put them aside. Throw in the rice, veggies, pork and whatever seasonings you want. I tend to stick with light soy sauce, cause oyster sauce is too salty and hard to mix. Chop up the eggs, and mix em in. Done. And the sperm looking bean sprouts are optional. I never liked them

Ding ding ding we have a winner. This man knows how to make fried rice.

Do not use fresh cooked rice or it will come out real pasty. Day old cold rice where each grain can stand on its own is the way to do it. Just to make iteasier to mix, I will usually break apart the rice before I throw it in (no large chunks, just individual grains). Its easy if you store your leftover rice ina ziplock bag because you can just break it up in the bag before you dump it in.

Some people do the egg part differently. I believe Hawaiian style fried rice will usually have the egg cooked separately and then added at the end (likeFresh2Death said). If you like you can toss the raw egg on top of the fried rice and then toss it around to coat the rice and cook the egg coated rice. Itsreally a matter of preference. I prefer to go kinda in between. When the fried rice is just about done I will push the rice to the sides and leave a littlepocket in the middle. Drop the egg in there, let it cook about half to 3/4 way through and then toss the half cooked egg with the rice. This way you get thenice little egg pieces as well as a little bit of the egg coated rice.
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