How do you protect your ideas from being stolen when working with partners??

Jul 7, 2005
Sup NT,

I have an idea for a mobile app/website, sorta like a networking type thing, but I have no programming or web design knowledge.

I'm tempted to post an ad on craigslist to look for help but I don’t want someone to take my idea and run away with it…

What or how can I protect my idea from being stolen??

I was thinking of writing out a contract and getting it notarized, but I don't know how official that is.

Thanks in advance
If its that good ill try to learn some stuff about making apps

then in the future you could make better apps after you made millions off this one
find someone to work with without divulging all your information.

and then work on it its that simple. if someone tries to steal it just have documentations, email contact dates, etc and you're idea will still be yours.
I was thinking of writing out a contract and getting it notarized, but I don't know how official that is.

This and also a non-disclosure agreement is decent protection.

Everyone has ideas. It's your passion and dedication for the idea that sets you apart. Then comes the execution.
Sup NT,
I have an idea for a mobile app/website, sorta like a networking type thing, but I have no programming or web design knowledge.
I'm tempted to post an ad on craigslist to look for help but I don’t want someone to take my idea and run away with it…
What or how can I protect my idea from being stolen??
I was thinking of writing out a contract and getting it notarized, but I don't know how official that is.
Thanks in advance
The truth is you can't because the idea in and of itself is never unique. You better believe other's have had the same idea.

The trouble and all of the work lies in executing the idea. 

It's one of those things. If you really believe in your idea then learn some app programming and at least create a framework that you can copyright. 
This and also a non-disclosure agreement is decent protection.
Everyone has ideas. It's your passion and dedication for the idea that sets you apart. Then comes the execution.

Agreed. My company uses confidentiality agreements whenever working with third parties.
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