How do you spit game? vol. this chick is stonewallin me


u gatta give us a situation or somthing man

make em laugh:smile:
I don't spit game. I just talk to them and try to make them laugh to ease the tension. However this only works with girls I'm not interested in
Ignore them. If they really look good and she is interested, she will wonder why u are the only guy not noticing her. It hits their ego a little. Then Strike.You won't seem desperate.
When I think back on all my conquests and relationships with females, I never spit game to a girl, they always approachme..........It all depends on ones swag.
I got a situation. say a chick works and Nordstroms in the shoe department. what do you do NT. need help
I don't think anybody would whip out in real life. But if duke is talking to us about how to talk to the girl then trying to get at her. Homie need to manup and say hi, real talk.

what's the worst that will happen?
Originally Posted by Zone0ut

When I think back on all my conquests and relationships with females, I never spit game to a girl, they always approach me..........It all depends on ones swag.
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