How do you start your day?

hit the alarm
turn to espn
grab laptop,check email and such
pick out clothes
out the door
look at my girl
turn on the history channel or fox news
brush my teeth
feed my dogs
shower and dress
grab something to eat
head to work
check my blackberry.
look outside.
brush my teeth.
take my vitamins.
drink 2 glasses of water.
find something for breakfast.
Damn yall be having big time in the morning...

Soon as I wake up its...

1) Brush Teeth
2) Shower
3) put on close out the door to work...If I get here a lil early I grab breakfast from the cafeteria
"Hop up out the bed
Turn my swag on
Take a look in the mirror
Say what's up?"

Drain the main vein
Brush my teeth
Get dressed
Turn off my ps3

But first & foremost, I hop up out the bed and turn my swag on.
hit the snooze button on my alarm clock
turn it off 9 minutes later
reluctantly get out of bed
handle the hygiene
grab the lunch i prepared the night before
race to work
Originally Posted by iBlink

"Hop up out the bed
Turn my swag on
Take a look in the mirror
Say what's up?"

Drain the main vein
Brush my teeth
Get dressed
Turn off my ps3

But first & foremost, I hop up out the bed and turn my swag on.
Wake up.
Turn off alarm and go back to sleep
Wake up 10 minutes later to my backup alarm.
Get dressed.
Brush teeth.
I start work at 7am. Most days I roll out of bed, throw on some clothes, brush teeth and out the door. if I have time, I do my makeup. I shower at night
Originally Posted by iBlink

"Hop up out the bed
Turn my swag on
Take a look in the mirror
Say what's up?"

Drain the main vein
Brush my teeth
Get dressed
Turn off my ps3

But first & foremost, I hop up out the bed and turn my swag on.

I knew it was only a matter of time until this popped up
Originally Posted by iBlink

"Hop up out the bed
Turn my swag on
Take a look in the mirror
Say what's up?"

Drain the main vein
Brush my teeth
Get dressed
Turn off my ps3

But first & foremost, I hop up out the bed and turn my swag on.

I knew it was only a matter of time until this popped up
open eyes..
check myspace/nt/email/aim
hit the gravity bong once or twice if i got dro and nobody's home
cook up some eggs, sausage and 2 waffles
and take myself wherever the day leads me
Wake up wondering if my alarm is wrong and waking me up too early.
doo doo, shower, shave, brush teeth
toast with PB for breakfast and a multi V
Pray with my family
take one of my daughters to the sitter(My wife leaves later so she takes the second one to the sitter later)
then off to work where my coffee should be waiting for me auto drip gotta love it.

-Wake up.
-Look at the ceiling for a minute.
-Brush teeth.
-Wiz (or take the browns to the Superbowl).
-Get dressed.
-Cook breakfast, make coffee.
-Go back to the room.
-Fall asleep.
wake up, text back 2 my girl of her saying good morning, take my dog outside, get redy, eat breakfast, get on NT. go 2 school/work
wake up
eat breakfast
4 sets each: push-ups/crunches
out the door...
weekdays - wakeup, pushups and situps, eat good, pack snacks, dump, shower, get dressed, toothbrush, and off to school
weekends - whatever
check blackberry
use the bathroom
do push-ups
turn on t.v
grab a bowl of fruity pebbles and ice cold milk
check media takeout/ world star hip-hop
wash face and brush teeth
turn on "can't knock the hustle"
shower, dress,and leave
no routine ever since my sleep habit became bad, going to bed at 4 or 5am i don't get up til 2 or 3..

but..get up shower + all that good stuff, then eat..most likely junk if not fast food. i sound fat lol.
- wake up
- lay in bed and watch TV for about 10-15 mins before I get up
- If I wake up early, I'll go on NT for a little bit
- if I wake up after 11, I'll go downstairs to see if any mail came (gotta make sure I get my hands on those report cards before anyone else does
- take shower
- get dressed
blah blah blah...
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