How do you store your headphones?

Feb 21, 2005
Reason I ask this is because my 20000th pair of 'ear' headphones just went out in one ear
... How hard is it for companies to make headphones lastlonger? I use mine daily btw commuting from school to work.... For those that are in the same boat as me, have u adjusted the way you store your headphoneswhen you are not using them?
I have the little earbud ones, and I don't do anything special to store them. Every time that a pair of mine have broken, it's been my fault (either bycrushing one with a backpack, or stepping on it, etc.). If I'm using my iPod, I'll just roll 'em up around it and throw it in my backpack or backpocket. If I'm using 'em at my computer, I'll just roll 'em up in a ball and throw 'em on the desk. I don't think I've had theaudio in one ear go out without me doing something to cause it. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Try to find something like this though (the case), it might help you...
ive had some sony ones(regular cheap ones) for about 2 years maybe 3 not the buds though. i just throw em next to my bed where my ipod sleeps (lol) do you turnup the volume all the way up maybe they pop...
Take a look into ..

Ultimate Ears

More so in the first 2 company's.

Budget? JVC Marshmallows
I've had the same pair of 20 dollar Sony ear bud headphones for my ipod for a couple years now. I just always would wrap them around the iPod and throw itin my backpack.

I still have them, but I got a pair of Sennheiser 280 pro's over Christmas and I put a plastic hook on the side of my desk and just hang them from there.And if I put them in my bag, I just collapse them.
Originally Posted by tmay407

I have the little earbud ones, and I don't do anything special to store them. Every time that a pair of mine have broken, it's been my fault (either by crushing one with a backpack, or stepping on it, etc.).

Same here. I just make sure they're all the way in my pocket when I'm walking. I had recognized if I had them just hanging from my pocket, theywould swing into/on something causing damage (Duh). Around the house, when they aren't in use, I make sure they are visible. Otherwise...CRUNCH!
i just went through 2 earbuds in a week myself...

looking at in-ear earbuds now...
the problem with me is the cords, either the one near where the plug is or right where the volume adjust is for headsets.
I had those Bose headphones so im pretty sure it wasn't from the sound being all the way up. Sounds like the best thing to do is wrap em around theipod.... I thought that messes with the wires on the inside by doing that? I'll check Shure and the others out though...
One of the ears in my headphones this past weekend and they've never been damaged or stepped on or anything
I went through at least 5 pairs of headphones in the past 3 months due to one ear not working.
im looking for some new headphones can anyone recommend me some for about 40 or less.
I just fold my headphones in half then put them in drawer or those case things work too so ear phones won't die out on you.
buy headphones from best buy

if it the exact same set, and return the broken set a few days later, should be no prob

how are skull cany smokin ear buds????

this is what i'm using right now, and i've been using them for about 7 months with no probs

btw i wrap it around my ipod, sometimes i unplug it too so the end doesn't bend all hard and all
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