How do you store your sneakers?

stacks on top of stacks in the boxes in the closet, on shelves on the wall, and the floor
I leave them all in the original box, and add a few silica packs. 90% of my kicks have been worn, the rest are just waiting for the right occasion. I buy to rock
I just store them in my closet. No special storing. I do see alot of people use saran wrap on their kicks and some even use ziplock bags
I keep mine in their Og boxes, tissue paper and everything. Some are in my closet but most dont fit. So most of my shoes are staked up on one side of my room
closet - or darkest, coolest place in your house
shoes in ziplock with silica pack to keep the shoe smell
i store mine in the og boxes! anything with a clear bottom i cover up the holes with clear tape to prevent yellowing! (works pretty well) try not to stack them too high to keep boxes from caving in! nothing special
Originally Posted by supraman501

I wish I knew how Greg street keeps his infrared VIs so icey

Ohhhhhhhh Maneeee Over 10+ Years And Those Kicks Look Brand New No Yellowing No Nothing, That Guy is A Genius !
I fold the tissue paper and put it underneath the shoes. Throw a couple of silica packs on shoes with icy soles and keep them in the closet. Nothing too crazy.
my setup:
^^^^ Veryy... Nice... I should take my shoes out of the zip lock bags then..

One question though, since flight club sells SOO many shoes, why do they vacuum seal their shoes? They DO know that they need oxygen to maintain the balance of keeping the shoe alive otherwise they'll suffocate and crumble...
Originally Posted by johnandrew07

^^^^ Veryy... Nice... I should take my shoes out of the zip lock bags then..

One question though, since flight club sells SOO many shoes, why do they vacuum seal their shoes? They DO know that they need oxygen to maintain the balance of keeping the shoe alive otherwise they'll suffocate and crumble...

Why take them out of the Ziploc bags?
Also, vacuum sealed shoes = shoe crumbling suicide!
Is it true that it's a good idea to take your shoes out into the open air occasionally so they don't dry out?
Originally Posted by johnandrew07

One question though, since flight club sells SOO many shoes, why do they vacuum seal their shoes? They DO know that they need oxygen to maintain the balance of keeping the shoe alive otherwise they'll suffocate and crumble...

ive never been to flightclub but isnt it only the shoes on display?  its so they dont get dirty from people touching them constantly
Mine are in my closet in their boxes in a 2 gallon ziplock... bout to start liquidatin' soon though, at least all my doubles
I always left them just in the box till i started reading about paper not being so great for storage. So i put the paper at the bottom, and stack em. Those plastic bins are nice , i like being able to see em. Wish i had the shelf space to just let em all sit out.
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