How hard is it to find a chick who....

OP your man is delusional...

As a chick if you're all those things and an 8+ in looks dudes are going to be throwing the heat at you all day.

And if a girl was actually all those things you should totally ignore the body count and try and cuff asap

The only reason you're sweating body count at that point is cause your D game is garbage :lol:

Honestly there's no benefit to knowing that figure. Cause if its astronomical she will probably lie... You should be able to tell if she's a broken toy just through interacting with her.


Tryna find a chick WITHOUT a boyfriend. It's like every girls got one :smh:

They're just telling you that, bruh...
That's why you don't ask, some chicks don't usually leave until new dude is established. That's how you're surprised she moved on so fast.
OP your man is delusional...

As a chick if you're all those things and an 8+ in looks dudes are going to be throwing the heat at you all day.

And if a girl was actually all those things you should totally ignore the body count and try and cuff asap

The only reason you're sweating body count at that point is cause your D game is garbage :lol:

Honestly there's no benefit to knowing that figure. Cause if its astronomical she will probably lie... You should be able to tell if she's a broken toy just through interacting with her.

damn b :lol: but accurate

Dudes be having these outrageous requests and requirements.

But question, what do you bring to the table?
All the same things im looking for, with the plus of just having locked down an incredibly well paying job
Is 25 or older
Is sophisticated
An 8+ on the real world scale looks wise
Educated (bachelors degree or more)
Has an impressive sense of humor
Really cool
Extremely faithful
Will love you unconditionally regardless of status/salary
Can cook

And is either a virgin or has at most 3 bodies life time before meeting you

I'm in a debate with someone who swears that this isn't damn near impossible to find, if you're in the right social circles.

My girl turned 25 a few months back. I'm 33. She has ALL of those attributes you listed. Met her randomly at a bar. We never fully discussed the body count issue but at this juncture in my life it doesn't really matter as I'm 100% my body count was exponentially lower than hers. Also, imo, you don't want a girl who's 25+ and still a virgin. That sets off all kinds of red flags. She'll either suck in bed or there's some other crazy reason why she hasn't been laid in 25+ years.

Those girls ARE out there. You just have to be patience and keep your eyes open and not be afraid to take your shot when you have it.

You may also find them in diff places: Yoga classes, volunteer centers, running clubs, ect.
Is 25 or older
Is sophisticated
An 8+ on the real world scale looks wise
Educated (bachelors degree or more)
Has an impressive sense of humor
Really cool
Extremely faithful
Will love you unconditionally regardless of status/salary
Can cook

And is either a virgin or has at most 3 bodies life time before meeting you

I'm in a debate with someone who swears that this isn't damn near impossible to find, if you're in the right social circles.

You're an internet dater. E Harmony type of guy.

Do you whip out your checklist and start marking boxes when you meet girls?

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I really don't care about a girls body count. No matter what she says it's gonna mess with your head so I don't even trip over it. As long as I don't hear stories from people I know that she gets tossed around I don't care. This girls told me her body count before w/o me asking. She was 21 at the time and she said 3 people, I was just like "ok whatever".
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Honestly there's no benefit to knowing that figure. Cause if its astronomical she will probably lie... You should be able to tell if she's a broken toy just through interacting with her.
Glad this was said. There are definitely signs/things she says that can indicate her history.
when you're asking for a college educated woman, very rare she's an 8 on the scale and either a virgin or less than 3 lays. College teaches these girls more than just their major.
1. I think everyone is aware that there are dope girls out there with most of the traits I listed minus the 3 bodies max part. That's the main part my pops and I debated about. That chicks with all those traits that have less than 3 aren't around like that, whereas he thinks they're in abundance if you look in the right places.

2. I'm not looking for a chick with
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I dont understand this mentality. I'm sure the most businesslike person has a facebook at least. My fb friend list has many professional women on it. I just think some of you guys are just anti-social and try to make it seem like the people on fb, IG etc are the ones with the problem.

i don't either...all the social networks come in apps...your phone is with you all day every day...its not that hard to handle business and hop on line to socialize

Pretty much. I always find it funny when people bash fb, cause if there's a lot of garbage floating through your TL, quit accepting every single request and take a good hard look at your friends :lol: Now if you have like 30 social networks, you probably have prices listed for your escort service.

Tryna find a chick WITHOUT a boyfriend a kid or 3. It's like every girls got one :smh:

They're just telling you that, bruh...

Nah, it's really like that

Is 25 or older
Is sophisticated
An 8+ on the real world scale looks wise
Educated (bachelors degree or more)
Has an impressive sense of humor
Really cool
Extremely faithful
Will love you unconditionally regardless of status/salary
Can cook

And is either a virgin or has at most 3 bodies life time before meeting you

I'm in a debate with someone who swears that this isn't damn near impossible to find, if you're in the right social circles.

I've seen profiles very similar to this on POF, and these females are the first ones to bust it wide open on their no-headboard mattress on the floor in front of thier 15 inch tube TV
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That's why you don't ask, some chicks don't usually leave until new dude is established. That's how you're surprised she moved on so fast.

I broke up with one of my exes and 10 months later she hits me up letting me know she just had a baby
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