How long did you and shorty rock before getting engaged /married? Vol. whats wrong with these girls,


They don't know any other way, most likely due to society-influenced programming/upbringing.

Just leave them be.
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We met back in 06, we were both 23 years old. I asked for her hand in marriage on Christmas Eve in 2013. 7 years of ups and downs and one "break". We will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary on Oct 25.

As a 33 year old, my advice to the young people is to wait until your mid/late twenties to get married. After high school/college, live it up. Go travel, make friends, do things that will put you in a position to succeed in life. And when a special someone comes into your life, be friends first and let the relationship evolve naturally.

How did yall ask?

Did you keepnit gangsta and show her the rock in the box and say lets do this?

Or did you go full simp mode and hire a drunk saxophone dude to play at a park wit roses everywhere?

After I got off work on Christmas Eve, I went over to her mom's house. We opened gifts that night because they would be in Columbus on Christmas Day. I saved a special gift forher to open for last. It was a teddy bear wearing a shirt. She opened it and saw that it had her name at the top of the shirt. She started to read what was at the bottom of the shirt and dropped the bear. She then said "holy s***" about 10 ten times. The t-shirt said "Marie......Will you marry me?" with a ring in the middle. After her expletives, she looked up and I was on one knee with the ring in my hand and popped the question. I got up, looked at her, and said "What's your answer". She said "Yes, Yes, Yes"

View media item 2069403
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I got the blessing from her Dad earlier that evening. I took my the fiance to top steps of a state landmark to propose to her. She's always playfull so a chase began. I caught her, picked her up and put her on the ground. When she jumped to her feet I was still down on one knee with ring. That was almost 12 years ago and still the best decision I've ever made.
We met back in 06, we were both 23 years old. I asked for her hand in marriage on Christmas Eve in 2013. 7 years of ups and downs and one "break". We will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary on Oct 25.

As a 33 year old, my advice to the young people is to wait until your mid/late twenties to get married. After high school/college, live it up. Go travel, make friends, do things that will put you in a position to succeed in life. And when a special someone comes into your life, be friends first and let the relationship evolve naturally.
After I got off work on Christmas Eve, I went over to her mom's house. We opened gifts that night because they would be in Columbus on Christmas Day. I saved a gift for to open for last. It was a teddy bear wearing a shirt. She opened it and saw that it had her name at the top of the shirt. She started to read what was at the bottom of the shirt and dropped the bear. She then said "holy s***" about 10 ten times. The t-shirt said "Marie......Will you marry me?" with a ring in the middle. After her expletives, she looked up and I was on one knee with the ring in my hand and asked popped the question. I got up, looked at her, and said "What's your answer". She said "Yes, Yes, Yes"

View media item 2069403
Now this is clever

I can tell them yambs serious too.

Had bruh all ****** up :smh:

But back on topic I was engaged to my BM once.

We were together for about 6 years.

Kind of got pressured into it.

Lets just say after no date was set, arguments ensued, got caught, she stopped wearing the ring and we broke up.

Don't plan on goin through that ever again :frown: .

Been about 3 years since and I refuse to get serious with a girl until I'm damn near 40.

I think for men, we don't like being told what to do, which is exactly what marriage pressure is. But trust when you meet that ace, she'll never have to even bring it up, you're already sold. Mine didn't get to that point, but I know how it's supposed to feel.
I already did somewhat of the same thing for my girl this past Xmas.
She always told me how much she loves Tiffany and Co. "blue box, tiffany blue, look at this tiffany jewelry" etc etc

One thing you need to know before reading this- my gf LOVES spoiling surprises. She always figures out what I'm getting her or doing before it happens, sometimes even just by lucky guess.

So last year we both agreed that due to some hardships and job transitions, we wouldn't get each other big gifts for Christmas. Well, I saved up some money and bought her a necklace from Tiffany. I made sure I left no trace of this anywhere. I lied about where I went when I would go to the mall for ordering and follow up, I made no paper receipts, I paid for it in cash, it was the perfect plan. It got delivered to the store like 3 days before Christmas Eve, but I waited until Christmas Eve day to go get it. We were opening presents at her mom's place that night.

Of course, it came in a little tiffany blue box with a bow around it and that tiffany blue hand bag for gifting. I took it home and left it in my car. I wrote a note and put it under the box that was in the bag. In our transition of getting presents to the car, she went inside to grab more and I switched the Tiffany bag into her trunk, under a big jacket we had laying back there.

We got to her Mom's and I grabbed my jacket and managed to get it inside her Mom's place without her noticing I was carrying it hella weird.

After everyone opened their presents, I had her sister distract her and take her upstairs and I put the bag behind the Christmas tree next to the wall.

She came back downstairs and I told her that she forgot a present and hat it was behind the tree. She saw the bag and immediately started freaking out, the whole family was watching and they had no idea what was going on. She started crying as she opened the bag, the box, undid the bow, etc.

I put the necklace on her and told her there was a note at the bottom of the bag.

She pulled it out and it read "Babe- the first of many little blue boxes I want to give you"
To my married NTers

Do y'all keep your ring on 24/7?

I got into a heated argument with this girl today because she said that she would only wear her engagement/wedding ring when going out.

if I'm paying thousands of dollars for a ring, you better keep that on 24/7
my wife keeps her rings on 24-7. i keep mine on except for when i'm at the beach or lifting weights - it's loose and will slip off when in water or sweaty.
16 years together, will be celebrating our 6th married this Saturday....there is no written rule, if you feel it in you, you will commit at 2 weeks or 20 years....
Is funny when people put a time restrain on marriage, say is only right after 10+ years of being together, get married and divorce within 2 years :rofl:

My dudes there is no hidden rule that will guarantee's all about the commitment, if you love that woman and you are ready to commit after the first year, don't hold out 9 more because of some made up rule of thumb, dumbest **** ever...
To my married NTers

Do y'all keep your ring on 24/7?

I got into a heated argument with this girl today because she said that she would only wear her engagement/wedding ring when going out.

if I'm paying thousands of dollars for a ring, you better keep that on 24/7
she's not your girl so why argue???
Is funny when people put a time restrain on marriage, say is only right after 10+ years of being together, get married and divorce within 2 years :rofl:

My dudes there is no hidden rule that will guarantee's all about the commitment, if you love that woman and you are ready to commit after the first year, don't hold out 9 more because of some made up rule of thumb, dumbest **** ever...

How do you have all the answers? I don't trust you.
Is funny when people put a time restrain on marriage, say is only right after 10+ years of being together, get married and divorce within 2 years

My dudes there is no hidden rule that will guarantee's all about the commitment, if you love that woman and you are ready to commit after the first year, don't hold out 9 more because of some made up rule of thumb, dumbest **** ever...
sounds like me... went ring shopping today... 10 yrs strong
To my married NTers

Do y'all keep your ring on 24/7?

I got into a heated argument with this girl today because she said that she would only wear her engagement/wedding ring when going out.

if I'm paying thousands of dollars for a ring, you better keep that on 24/7

I keep my ring on most of the time. I take it off when showering or cooking. The only times I've seen my wife without her rings on are when she cooks or does her hair. Besides those occasions she keeps the rings on her finger.
What about you dudes that travel for work?

Yall stay loyal?
How hard is it bein married constantly bein away from da crib?
I think a better question was when do you determine whether a person is worth spending the rest of/more of your time with. Some people don't place much stock in marriage, but it's a curious thing to stick with someone for long periods of time. I know people that say they've been with their SO for x amount of years, but they're uncertain if that person is the one. How much time do you need to invest in a person before you determine if they're the one or not?
Whenever God sends you a sign?
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