How many doughnuts do you usually eat in one sitting?

man, i love donuts! i can eat like 4 glaze donuts wth milk and counting.
one. but i haven't had one in a while. the strawberry frosting one is awesome...
donuts are my favorite food next to pbj. Im currently enjoyin a box of powered donuts right now.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

honestly 6 most of the time. if im hungry and its fresh krispy kreme, i could easily finish a whole dozen.
2-4 if they are Krispy Kreme, those joints are crack.

Anything else its usually just one.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

ill pig out. once i have my fill i cant even look at it anymore without getting nausea

same thing with chocolate/peanut butter

I was staring at your avy for 5 minutes trying to figure out if it was half Obama and half bush or if i was trippin
Anybody watching Sportscenter right now? Anybody down for a summit in Raleigh next year?
I was craving some doughnuts earlier too... at most I will eat 2. If I eat more than that I feel guilty and fat. I think I will definitely get some this week.
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