How many is too many? If a woman slept with 20 dudes, would you still wife her up?

May 31, 2007
Lets say you meet a girl and shes about 25 years old.  You get along with her and everything is great, you have alot in common and you fall in love with her.  Then one day you're talking and she says she wants to come clean and be completely honest, then says she slept with around 20-25 guys. 

Is that acceptable to you?  Would you still continue the relationship? 

Personally, I figure, if you like her that much, and everything checks out healthwise, then it probably isn't that much of an issue.  Some of my friends agree but the majority don't.

I believe they're being delusional, once you get your turn with a woman, chances are she's been around for a while.  The chances of you getting a deadstock or near deadstock woman in the world we live in just isn't going to happen unless you get lucky. 
Yes, if she's clean, then I see no reason to hold her past against her.

I've done things in my past which some people might not like and I'd say I've changed since then.

Also, the fact that she's honest about something like that says a lot about her character and your relationship.
Doubt a chick will come out and say "oh yeah, I smanged over 20 ninjas"
20? If she's been to college, odds are the number is higher than 20.
how old r u?

20? Dude, theres no point in counting once a girl goes to college.

Goodluck in the real world kid.
damn 20-25
that's like a baseball team, i think it'd say a lot about her self-esteem & personality. I'll cross that bridge when if it comes, but I guess. If everything else is in the ideal conditions you described. It would raise some pretty big alarms however.

on the immature side though, the thought of going home to a neighborhood skeeze and tonguing her down is nauseating.
I just rather not know. If you really care about the chick, her past shouldn't hold any weight on your situation. But I still rather not know
"So I dismiss her past until she disappoints your highness"  Pusha T

Just base your opinions on her current mannerisms and behavior...Don't base the present on the past, keep it moving. 
Yes, I don't care about what she did in her past. Believe me, my track record isn't the best. I am only concern with the now and the future.
Are NTer's this insecure, the avg girl I knew in college slept with a new guy every week-do the math
20 is nothing, if she been smashing since fifteen, that's two a year. Don't ask unless she's got legendary numbers.
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