how many of you own both ps3 & 360

I had both, then sold both,now have a 360, I love my 360, live is so much better than PS Network or w/e they call it. Resistance was dope though, One of thefirst games I played all the way through in ages, that is before Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4
b/c im am extremely busy with everything else in my life..neither really gets ANY play time.
BUT, for the past few months my 360 has been sitting in a bag next to my TV. I haven't
had the urge to play it all to connect it. Even if it was connected I've been playing ps3
I dont have XBL (simply b/c I dont have time to pay for something i'm never going
to use, however Daaznfella did hook it up w/ these 2 day passes thing that might've already
expired) so I don't play online on the thing. B/c PS3 is FREE online I pick up games that I
KNOW i'll be playing online (CoD4, still haven't opened 2k8 [have it for 360]).
I also happen to love the interface the ps3 has (my brother has had a psp since the white ones
came out in Japan), and the fact that its wireless so I've been playing movies/music off my computer
now and then. I just find more use out of a PS3 then my 360.

I love em both tho, good investments indeed.
I own both, and really don't play either one that much. I have all the "hot" games for both systems, but I get bored with them so much quickerthan I used to. I guess I'm getting older. I'm still waiting for GTA4 though. If I had to go without one, I'd probably keep the 360 butthat's just me.
Got all 3... As u can see in order 360, Wii, PS3.
360 kills PS3, i think i played PS3 2-3 times since i bought it.
(46" Sharp Aquos 1080p LCD)
I own both.

I play PS3 more. I only got a 360 for Halo 3, Gears of War and Bioshock (sold all of them though), but any other multiplat title I get for PS3. Even though Ipay for Live (mainly for my lil brother), I like that PSN is free, I can just hop onto Call of Duty 4, NBA2k8 or Unreal Tournament 3 and just play, no need topay or anything like that. Also Live status has suck as of late and keeps crashing, PSN is butter smooth, almost dedicated like.

I like PS3 XMB interface ALOT better than Lives Blades. Blades have ads and is clutter to hell, plus MS makes you pay for everything, jebus crysis, I had topay to put a bg in the back of my Blades, wth?! You can customize the XMB with sound effects for free. I like that Live has cross chat and in game messaging,damn PSN doesnt,

I only have 2 games for 360, Call of Duty 4 and Guitar Heroes III. I have like 9 PS3 games and Im about to pick up Devil May Cry 4.
I got a 360, i was thinking about getting a PS3 also but i dont want to waste 500 and barely play it.
my friend has both. I don't think I've ever seen him play the PS3. In fact, the only time I really saw it was when he got it. the 360 gets OD playingtime though.
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