How many partners constitutes a girl to be considered a %@%$!?

honestly in college most attractive girls not in a relationship are having sex at least once every two months with a new guy lot will stay single for at least the first 2-3 years, so 1 new every other month is 6 a year for like 2 years is 12, plus highschool boyfriend is 13 and if you've meet her at like 25 chances are she's had relationships and sex with at least 2 more, so 15. this being said any guy i'm no exclusion (my wife claims i'm her 4th and hopefully last) would rather have a low number, but honestly most girls with numbers 5 or below either began dating their husband in freshman year, are unattractive, or are lying.
Originally Posted by ethan1710

honestly in college most attractive girls not in a relationship are having sex at least once every two months with a new guy lot will stay single for at least the first 2-3 years, so 1 new every other month is 6 a year for like 2 years is 12, plus highschool boyfriend is 13 and if you've meet her at like 25 chances are she's had relationships and sex with at least 2 more, so 15. this being said any guy i'm no exclusion (my wife claims i'm her 4th and hopefully last) would rather have a low number, but honestly most girls with numbers 5 or below either began dating their husband in freshman year, are unattractive, or are lying.

Yup, only reason im not my wife's only is because of all our breakups throughout the years...I'm ok with it...actually feel we wouldn't had made Tito where we are now if we both didnt give ourselves a shot to experience sex with other people.
Originally Posted by ethan1710

honestly in college most attractive girls not in a relationship are having sex at least once every two months with a new guy lot will stay single for at least the first 2-3 years, so 1 new every other month is 6 a year for like 2 years is 12, plus highschool boyfriend is 13 and if you've meet her at like 25 chances are she's had relationships and sex with at least 2 more, so 15. this being said any guy i'm no exclusion (my wife claims i'm her 4th and hopefully last) would rather have a low number, but honestly most girls with numbers 5 or below either began dating their husband in freshman year, are unattractive, or are lying.
this man knows exactly what hes talking about.

aint no way around it, when you meet your wife or forever gf...and she went to college for 4 yrs, chances are shes gonna have at least 10 bodies under her belt. if shes attractive.

the real question is...who ask this question?

like grown men really ask a women how many people shes been with.

Originally Posted by ethan1710

but honestly most girls with numbers 5 or below either began dating their husband in freshman year, are unattractive, or are lying.
That's quite the generalization. Not true. For my age, my number is considered very low and I have been single for the last 3 years (first and only relationship thus far was for a length of 5 years and a half.I would say most of my friends have quite the low numbers too.  Some girls have low numbers, such as below 5, simply just because they carefully choose who they want to #@%%, are very very picky, stingy, how they were raised, or have certain standards they uphold when it comes to casual sex. 

I feel like its how many she has at the same time rather than total. Like how many per week
youngdoc wrote:

What do y'all think about a girl who has some crazy number but found God and is now celibate until marriage?
That girl is called Pinky

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The number of partners doesn't equate her being a !*++, it's more about the way she carries herself....

Honestly at my age if a girl doesn't have at least 5 body counts I'm thinking something is wrong with her or the box.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by ethan1710

but honestly most girls with numbers 5 or below either began dating their husband in freshman year, are unattractive, or are lying.
That's quite the generalization. Not true. For my age, my number is considered very low and I have been single for the last 3 years (first and only relationship thus far was for a length of 5 years and a half.I would say most of my friends have quite the low numbers too.  Some girls have low numbers, such as below 5, simply just because they carefully choose who they want to #@%%, are very very picky, stingy, how they were raised, or have certain standards they uphold when it comes to casual sex. 


It's always funny to hear how girls can be soooo picky about who they sleep with and usually these are the same girls that go ape #*@% when things go sour...I consider myself a good dude, but I've taken down a couple of these picky girls you speak of, one had her V card at 24 and the more picky and reserved they are about sex, the more sour the taste that's left in your mouth after things go south....we shouldn't place sex on a pedestal, focus on the things that matter like connection, friendship, trust and if sex happens then it can very well come across 20 great guys and sleep with all of them, as long as you used protection and had a good connection with them along with trust and respect, you wont be any less of a lady than the chick that holds out for months and has sex once or twice a year.....guaranteed women that don't uphold sex as some gates to heaven type of deal are far more likely to have a healthy relationship.
This thread again 
niketalkers and their formulas.

It's got a lot to do with how someone carries themself. I'm seeing more and more public sluttery since the birth of twitter, like the ^#*@ is cool now.
This thread has some of the dumbest theories and assumptions I've possibly read. A girl has to be ugly to have less than 5 bodies at 21 if she went to school? What planet do you guys live on? I know DIMES that are 25 that have slept with only 2 or 3 dudes. There are still women that are very old school and "responsible" and "respectful" when it comes to who they are giving there body to. It's incredible how straight up lame some of you are on here. So if a dude isn't comfortable with his potential wife being slayed by 50 dudes he is insecure or immature? HAHAHAH thats legitimate simp talk! Talking about this with the people on here is pointless and irrational. This is the same forum where dudes think it's cute to run up in strangers raw and are so sexually frustrated that they have a "no fap november" thread so they stop beating their meat into oblivion. 85% of the people on here don''t even know themselves yet so asking babies about sexual responsibility and how to judge anothers character(which is all you are doing with these backwater theories of female promiscuity) is pointless. The answer to your question is rather simple. Expect from a potential spouse or lover what you expect from yourself. If you believe being sexually liberated is cool find a chick that subscribes to that. If you believe or have religious,moral or personal obligations to yourself than find a woman that shares them. There are BILLIONS with a B of women on this planet and believe it or not there are less "sluts" than niketalk will lead you to believe. There isn't a set group of parameters to conclude whether or not a female is a +%@. They all unveil it in some way or another. Furthermore go overseas and have this conversation in places like Europe or other places where women are semi treated equally and people will look at you stupid. Sex isn't as big of a deal as it is in twisted America where it's ok for human life to be destroyed and violence is "normal" but two consentual humans engaging in the most natural and ancient act of bustin warm nuts together and all over each other is a dirty act.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

This thread has some of the dumbest theories and assumptions I've possibly read. A girl has to be ugly to have less than 5 bodies at 21 if she went to school? What planet do you guys live on? I know DIMES that are 25 that have slept with only 2 or 3 dudes. There are still women that are very old school and "responsible" and "respectful" when it comes to who they are giving their body to. It's incredible how straight up lame some of you are on here. So if a dude isn't comfortable with his potential wife being slayed by 50 dudes he is insecure or immature? HAHAHAH thats legitimate simp talk! Talking about this with the people on here is pointless and irrational. This is the same forum where dudes think it's cute to run up in strangers raw and are so sexually frustrated that they have a "no fap november" thread so they stop beating their meat into oblivion. 85% of the people on here don''t even know themselves yet so asking babies about sexual responsibility and how to judge anothers character(which is all you are doing with these backwater theories of female promiscuity) is pointless. The answer to your question is rather simple. Expect from a potential spouse or lover what you expect from yourself. If you believe being sexually liberated is cool find a chick that subscribes to that. If you believe or have religious,moral or personal obligations to yourself than find a woman that shares them. There are BILLIONS with a B of women on this planet and believe it or not there are less "sluts" than niketalk will lead you to believe. There isn't a set group of parameters to conclude whether or not a female is a +%@. They all unveil it in some way or another. Furthermore go overseas and have this conversation in places like Europe or other places where women are semi treated equally and people will look at you stupid. Sex isn't as big of a deal as it is in twisted America where it's ok for human life to be destroyed and violence is "normal" but two consentual humans engaging in the most natural and ancient act of bustin warm nuts together and all over each other is a dirty act.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

This thread has some of the dumbest theories and assumptions I've possibly read. A girl has to be ugly to have less than 5 bodies at 21 if she went to school? What planet do you guys live on? I know DIMES that are 25 that have slept with only 2 or 3 dudes. There are still women that are very old school and "responsible" and "respectful" when it comes to who they are giving there body to. It's incredible how straight up lame some of you are on here. So if a dude isn't comfortable with his potential wife being slayed by 50 dudes he is insecure or immature? HAHAHAH thats legitimate simp talk! Talking about this with the people on here is pointless and irrational. This is the same forum where dudes think it's cute to run up in strangers raw and are so sexually frustrated that they have a "no fap november" thread so they stop beating their meat into oblivion. 85% of the people on here don''t even know themselves yet so asking babies about sexual responsibility and how to judge anothers character(which is all you are doing with these backwater theories of female promiscuity) is pointless. The answer to your question is rather simple. Expect from a potential spouse or lover what you expect from yourself. If you believe being sexually liberated is cool find a chick that subscribes to that. If you believe or have religious,moral or personal obligations to yourself than find a woman that shares them. There are BILLIONS with a B of women on this planet and believe it or not there are less "sluts" than niketalk will lead you to believe. There isn't a set group of parameters to conclude whether or not a female is a +%@. They all unveil it in some way or another. Furthermore go overseas and have this conversation in places like Europe or other places where women are semi treated equally and people will look at you stupid. Sex isn't as big of a deal as it is in twisted America where it's ok for human life to be destroyed and violence is "normal" but two consentual humans engaging in the most natural and ancient act of bustin warm nuts together and all over each other is a dirty act.
I have to emphasize what they say about the super attractive women though...the real DIMES aren't having that much sex... 
It's just sex tho can't fault a chic that's looking for love and gets used. Friendly women are appreciated
These threads are pure comedy

It's always either or and nothing in between. A fine girl who carries herself well has a low body count, that means "she's ******ed and her box stinks".
A girl has a reasonable number and is experienced based on her age, so she's a "!@$! who has aids". A guy (or girl) actually has standards in who they
choose to sleep with, so they are "really shallow and lying". It's a lose-lose either way. If you don't wanna know, don't ask. If you wanna know, be
prepared for an answer you more than likely don't wanna hear.
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