How many people hate 6 rings, fusions or spizikes

They all suck. If they can't come up with any new ideas then just come clean and say "we did our best for as long as we could, but all things mustcome to an end." I mean, I can't go to work and just slap together bits and pieces of the best of my old reports and projects and try to pass it offas new and expect to get paid. I'd get kicked to the curb faster than you can say "New York has the most overpaid choke artists in sports." Idon't know if it's possible to completely ruin a legacy by not knowing when to stop, but it sure can get sad and pitiful. I'd say JB is about toreach the equivalent of year two of MJ's Wizards era, and I'd rather remember things as they were instead of what they've become. Just retro thefirst love of my life, white/cement IVs, with OG quality and let me go in peace. But everyone has to make a buck and there are plenty of kids who have no frameof reference and are happy to have just a piece of what once was, so it is what it is I guess.
Fusions, 6 Rings & Gld/Blk Spiz'ikes:

Don't own any of those joints. Wouldn't EVER spend a dime on any one of those, and the 6 rings are by far the worst creation by JB. It's seriously,seriously killing the brand.....DON'T BUY FOOLS!!! Not to mention the ridiculous price tag on 'em. The longer any of these models sit on the shelves,the more likely they'll stop making this $#!+.
I see fusions everyday, they have grown on me but I'd never cop a pair for myself.

I wanted the red/black/green spizikes but they didn't come in my size
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