How many shots [of vodka] usually get you feeling good or gone??..... vol. it's FRIDAY!!

May 25, 2003
Like the question says....

How many shots of your average vodka 1. gets you feeling good, and 2. gets you gone?

It's Friday... time to hit up the club tonight

vodka ftl..dark ftw!

but if i do about 4-5 shots in about 20-30 min, i'll be pretty buzzed
umm 5 in a quick amount of time. As stated before I'm fat so it takes a bit more for me to get gone I'll say 10+ and I'm very gone.

edit: Hennessy and Redbull *****.
depends on what i ate before. but in general...5+ shots in an hour would probably get me buzzed. i did 24 shots on my 21st...and none of em were real pansyshots i dont think. i think the "easiest" shot was jaeger, most of it was tequila i think, with a couple gross three wisemen and four horsemen shots.of course, my memory isnt too sharp from that night, but this is what my boys told me. i woke up with 24 tick marks on one forearm (1 for each shot) and threeon the other (for each beer, apparently). wasnt one of my prettiest nights out...
4 to feel good, bout 6 to feel really good, and 8 gets me gone! It also depends on how fast i'm doing them as well.
about, half a bottle to be really good,
with a hole bottle,,, i saw a vid of myself in my friends fountain,
,thought i was drowing,(dont have vid, i wisely erased it)
4 or 5 get me feeling good. 7 will probably get me gone.
Great post, I'm gonna go get a bottle now.

I haven't really done shots of vodka in awhile, I normally just mix. I DID however, do a couple of Grey Goose last weekend, but I was already gone.
Depends on if I've eaten and how long in between shots. I'm a rum guy myself, rarely throw back vodka. But if I had to, I estimate it would take about4 or 5 to be comfy, 6-8 to be leanin, 8+ to be gone for good. I fair much better with rum or whiskey, vodka just doesn't really agree with my system.
5 or so shots within half an hour to feel good and buzzed. 15 or so if im toasty for the night. Thats with a stomach full of food though.
I'm a whiskey man myself, but drank a ton of vodka in college.

Used to play a game called "Gone in 60 Minutes" where it would be five of us pitted against a half gallon of vodka and the clock.

Averaged out to 8-9 shots each over the course of an hour, depending upon the size of the shot glass we used.

Led to some fuuuuun evenings.

4 shots of vodka in an hour will have me feelin' good, 7-8 in an hour will get me pretty damn drunk.

Gotta load up on pizza and pasta before starting a binge like that.
to feel good i say 4-5 and to be wasted i say play beer pong but instead of drinking the cup u make it in u take a shot. beer wasnt gettin us on it so wesubstituted it and it worked magic.
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