How Many Song Do You Have in iTunes?

Jan 2, 2007
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
I'm just curious.

I have exactly 7200
Too much.

I don't listen to 90% of them. So one day next ween I'll be deleting quite a few of them.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

I have 1118.

Does anyone still use simplify media for the iphone/touch?
I have it still but don't even use it... I might take it off.
Only 200 songs
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Too much.

I don't listen to 90% of them. So one day next ween I'll be deleting quite a few of them.
You'll regret it

777 songs. kinda weird. but mass download bit torrent FTL. seriously though, i bet some of you guys haven't listened to half of your libraries.
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