How much debt you have? Vol. "No money in the bank"

Mar 20, 2005
After college I owe $19,000 in loans. After grad school I'm projecting an additional $6,000 in loans. So the total should be 25k before interest whichshould bump that up to 35-40k depending how soon its payed off. Whats your damage?
Man i'm broke son, i'm living check to check out here man. But I always pay my CC's every month and more than the min but its nothing outrageousprobably like $500 total.
0 debt. still in college. parents paying for everything FTW
I'm $14 in the hole.

Soon to have thousands in living costs and/or tuition, though.
i dont like to think about it too much but after school ill be at least $160,000 down for myself and about $30,000 for my wife... yay me.
Having your studies paid for by your employer FTW!

i have some CC bills to pay though. nothin major, maybe NZ$500.
Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

i dont like to think about it too much but after school ill be at least $160,000 down for myself and about $30,000 for my wife... yay me.
why so much my dude?..and I thought 5K was bad..
I don't care what it is, 160k in the hole for anything other than a house is stupid.
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