How much do you spend per month?

Too much. Supreme and shoes every week is a real killer.
October I spent over 17k, reimbursement for most of it due to work travel. Just had to do expenses lol.
wayyy too much, trying to get my (our) spending under control. still saving a good amount though, so i cant be too mad - but could be saving A LOT more.
Expenses are about $3500-4000 a month. Of that. I average anywhere from $200-300 on eating out, starbucks, etc. Rest is rent, cc bills, internet, phone, gas, groceries, car payment, utilities and other misc stuff.

sounds about the same for me.

Having a excel spreadsheet to track your expenses is a major key.
$50 for phone (cutting that down even more) and $80 transportation is what I HAVE to spend. The rest is just assorted eating out/clothing purchases.

Shredded all my cards, just paid 4K to close out a loan, have about 1k left in CC debt then I’m debt free. Trying to get a higher paying job/have a side business going and move out next year.

Debt is overrated. Putting my fiancé onto a debt free plan has been so great. To see someone who constantly used to stress over money to go to having a good savings plan and nearly zero debt (besides student loans) has been really fulfilling. Now we’re going to Japan for NYE, all cash. The goal is to have rent/mortgage/utilities be our only true expense when we move out.
Eating out is a bish. Especially with the prices going up.

Fam charging me 15$ for giant sub at jersey mikes. Smh

The fam charged me like 11 bucks for the medium :x twas good, but man. Could of got two subways :lol:
Same here, still live at home. Looking to buy a house in 2018 though

Same boat. Hopefully next year. More likely '19. At least move out with my boy to a cheap apartment and still stack. Need to leave my parents :lol:

Well I get paid on average about 3k a month after paying uncle Sam and insurance, and I'm broke after paying my bills and what not... so, 3k.

This just makes me realize how much I get raped in taxes.

Taxes are B. It's wild.

I say I spend about 1500 a month.
Them credit cards B. So easy to swipe :smh:
Expenses are about $3500-4000 a month. Of that. I average anywhere from $200-300 on eating out, starbucks, etc. I need to cut that out. Rest is rent, cc bills, internet, phone, gas, groceries, car payment, utilities and other misc stuff.

This is almost my EXACT budget. Do you pay a mortgage, rent on your own, or split rent with a roommate. If I didn't split rent with my GF, my expenses would be exactly the same.

Rent, CC bill, phone, car payment, student loan, is all the bulk of it. 200-300 on food, then I usually spend about 300 on random *** stuff.
Enough to need another hustle. Considering how much I make it makes no sense. Taxes suck. Only positive is that I'm able to save.
Too much considering I have no mortgage or rent and no car note,luckily those are paid off. Don't even want to think how much it would be if I had those expenses as well.
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