How often do you get a haircut?

Only for special occasions like interviews.......I own a T-outliner so I give myself shape-ups. I keep my hair and beard long for the most part.
Once a week really is the move tho' , when i'm on it i get cut once a week. Lately, i've been sliding almost 2 weeks before getting a cut and goingdays without trimming my beard
I am white so I dont have to deal with shape ups....but every 2 weeks.....once the sides get to long the whole thing looks I have to get ittrimmed up...
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

i havent cut my hair in like 2 months
. Im looking like the black Logan
I'm growin mines out right now... ya dig; ikeeps it neat and patted, never nappy and matted
I get my hair cut every Friday, rain or shine. If I am going out of town I will get my hair cut the day before I leave.
Every friday like clock work.

how do you guys manage going more than 3 weeks or even longer with a cut?
Originally Posted by Greezee

I get my hair cut every Friday, rain or shine. If I am going out of town I will get my hair cut the day before I leave.

That's me right there...
Evrey 2 weeks...gota keep my hair looking cool if not it grows out nasty..having sraight hair is a ftl..doesn't grow out clean neither does my beard.! lol
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