How often do you get a haircut?

Could be once a month, or up to 7 months. I've been trying to grow it out for like two years and can't stand what it looks like at that point
i usually cut my hair every three weeks to a month. I tried the once a week or every other week thing in when i was a freshmen and it looked like it waspushing my hairline back.
Use to get a haircut every 2 weeks and a tap up every week
but not cuttin my hair now
its wolfing season
Originally Posted by bussinessilicitos

My hair grows real quick.
Yep. I cut my hair myself, so sometimes it my be a few days in between. Just did it today actually. I tried to hold out until Friday but Icouldn't take it anymore...
Having Asian hair FTL.


I feel like one of those Dragon Ball Z characters or Street Fighter dudes after 2 weeks. I honestly have no idea how long it takes my hair to grow out beforeit falls down.

I think I've gone 5 weeks before and that was driving me crazy.

Now a days, I get it cut back every 2-3 weeks 1/4 inch.
I get an actual cut one week then the next just a shape, then it goes in a pattern...saves money that way especially if your the dude who gets it cut low
every two weeks....but im not gettin a cut till my loans go through for next semester....or better yet until my presentation on dec 5.
once a week i number .5 all around my dome and line up my hair and face w/ water and a gillette mach and i look FRESH.

doin ur own hair and lining w/ no shaving cream FTW
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