How often do you visit your local library?

i work at one:
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

SUPPORT LOCAL LIBRARIES THEY ARE THE KEY TO THE FUTURE! Living in the projects I try to go as much as I can so when my people ask me where I'm going I can proudly say the library. Set the right trends folks.

I like that. Once I finish this book im reading I plan to start going to an African-American library we have down here.
its finals week and San Jose States library is clutch. imma be here all week. MLK library > ________
I haven't been in years.I just buy the books I want/interest me on sight.
Never, I owe them $40. LOL I need to pay that, lost a book 5 years ago. The library has cut their hours like crazy tho around my way. 11AM-7PM, +%$ Florida must have cut back on the budget.
My mother is a director of a public library in RI and she is always trying new/different things to attract people to the library. It's amazing how many people have never even been to their local library. As one poster said, they would rather buy a book then borrow it for free. You can even check out DVDs (new releases) as well. IMO the library is a fundamental resource for public service. That is if it is run properly. Personally I know a ton of libraries are filled with unhelpful old women who don't seem to care about their patrons. If the librarians were more involved with the community through library-held programs and more face to face interactions with their visitors more people would come to realize how important public libraries really are (even with technology taking over the need for books).
The last time I went to the local library was last Friday.

I wanted to print out a shipping label for (The semester is over, So I am returning the books.)

Before that, the last time I visited the local public library was like 2004
At least once a week.  Our library lets you access academic databases from home with your library barcode, but with Christie and all these budget cuts it might get axed.  
Can't do it.

I'll hit up the university library or buy whatever books i want/need but the last 3 times i hit up the city library it's just homeless dudes fapping to porn on the computers and people trying to stop them x_x
I used to go all the time to get movies when I get bored.
But they started acting stupid saying I owe some late fees, when I turned them in on time. So I haven't been back since
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