How strong are you?

Oct 27, 2009
If you found out you had some sort of cancer, and you don't know how bad it is, howwould you handle it?

I found out that my FAVORITE Aunt ever, has cervical cancer. We don't know how bad itis yet. But she just found out yesterday. And today, she's going to work. She's a professor at a University in Cali. I don't think that I could goand work a day after finding out I have cancer.

How strong do you think you would be?
If I were in here shoes, I think I wouldve gone to work too and hoped that its something that could be treated.

If word comes back that its terminal, I really dont know how I would react at that point.

Hope it all works out for her though.
I mean, some are just able to deal with it better than others...

I wish your aunt the best. Life is so crazy sometimes.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

If you found out you had some sort of cancer, and you don't know how bad it is, how would you handle it?

I found out that my FAVORITE Aunt ever, has cervical cancer. We don't know how bad it is yet. But she just found out yesterday. And today, she's going to work. She's a professor at a University in Cali. I don't think that I could go and work a day after finding out I have cancer.

How strong do you think you would be?
What subject does she teach???
My aunt was a super smart math teacher/ GOAT with origami... R.I.P.
I think life/death is a part of life and you shouldn't put your life on hold because you have a terminal illness.

I lost my father when I was 16 and my mother when I was 22 both times although deeply sadden I had to continue my life as life wasn't going to stop for me.I had to take care of my younger sister and provide for my family. I always have said my father/mother were strong people - both knew they had terminal illdisease and still continue to handle their business like the world was never going to in .. I think their attitude attribute to my feelings to people dying ..It will happen - deal with it and move on ..
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

If you found out you had some sort of cancer, and you don't know how bad it is, how would you handle it?

I found out that my FAVORITE Aunt ever, has cervical cancer. We don't know how bad it is yet. But she just found out yesterday. And today, she's going to work. She's a professor at a University in Cali. I don't think that I could go and work a day after finding out I have cancer.

How strong do you think you would be?
What subject does she teach???
My aunt was a super smart math teacher/ GOAT with origami... R.I.P.

She teaches some subject regarding engineering. She's probably the smartest/dorkest woman I know
sorry to hear that hope she gets better.

I think I would just live my life normal go to work etc, be positive about it.

I would work on my nutrition eat the healthiest foods,vitamins and such
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