How to find yeezy 2 lace tips?

Jun 16, 2012
So I lost a pair of lace tips from my yeezys and Nike said they can't do anything because I didn't buy the shoes directly from them. Any ideas on how to obtain a pair? 
any help is appreciated, thanks. 
I bought one of mine for 50$

i got a good deal on it, he dropped it off at my house too.

theres a yeezy 2 thread already bro.
Your first post and it happen to be about yeezy??

You better stay away from the yeezy thread, theirs some salty people in their that hate new comers like you that have a pair.
just use the extra ones on the bag
i think i'm just going to take them off when I wear mine though
theyre actually my boys shoes but he asked me to make a post cause hes waiting on his NT membership. thanks for the advice tho.. and he lost them cause he says they fall off real easy..
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