how to get over a heartache

Dec 25, 2004
Hey NT, me and my girl recently called off our relationship. It was a mutual break up because she is in a different stage of her life than me.
We got along really well despite the fact that she was 8 years older than me, no fights, no arguments etc. I want to move on but i can't stop thinking about her because the feelings are still very strong. I still want to remain friends but the chance of that happening look very slim because she thinks it would be impossible to hold back if she sees me.

What would you recommend doing in this situation? how do i get over her..
1. Grow some

2. "..different stage of her life than me"? If she really cared about, don't you think she would be willing to compromise in order to keep you in her life, regardless of the situation??

it will take time. If there are no bad feelings then it just isnt meant to be but you guys tried and sometimes accepting that fact can help with the mending.
stay busy:

hang out with friends
movies (no romantic comedies)
hang out with family
network with others
Originally Posted by AME416

2. Grow some

3. "..different stage of her life than me"? If she really cared about, don't you think she would be willing to compromise in order to keep you in her life, regardless of the situation??

Give yourself some time for yourself. Get it out, cry if you have to.

Then work on improving yourself. Try a 21 day plan to improve on something about yourself. It could be something as simple as waking up and running, or challenging yourself to read a book a week.
i am 23 and she is 31, that is the problem. She has a solid career and is looking into settling down. I am on the other end, finishing school and starting a career and we both acknowledge it. We dated for a year and a half, it started of as FWB but things get complicated when you have sex.. But ya i do need to grow a pair and move on.

Thanks for the help guys.
Dominate your career. Dominate chillin' with people that make you happy. Dominate the gym. And you'll know when the time is right for you to dominate dating. Right now just truly be the best YOU that you can be.
Honestly the only way to get over heartache is time, i've been with my GF for two months and I still have my good days and bad days. Time heals all wounds fam, I wish you the best of luck because heartbreak hurts.
You're 23 and finishing school. Once you find a job, hopefully in another city (don't know too many who want to work where they went to school unless you went to school in NY, LA, Chi etc,) you will forget about her. If that happens, chances are you won't remember her whole name in 16 months.
Originally Posted by robwashington

Dominate your career. Dominate chillin' with people that make you happy. Dominate the gym. And you'll know when the time is right for you to dominate dating. Right now just truly be the best YOU that you can be.
basically..just try to stay busy and focus on YOUR self improvement everyday whether its the gym, work etc.

picking up a new hobby will help as well
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