how to improve basketball skills?

Just like in all sports, a lot has to do with muscle memory. If you shoot 100 shots a day but you're missing them all, your muscles will be trained tomiss. Try to improve your form and once you start hitting a good percentage of your shots, continue until it comes naturally.
Dont do what I did. FTL.

I been a Left handed person all my life, but for some odd niche, I always did everything with my right( throw, shoot, dominate dribbling, wiping my dooky)

So last summer(going into college). I decided to switch to left hand since i notice the accuracy was better and so was the form. ( my right handed shot wasdawg awful)

But wrong.

Im stuck in limbo right now since I been so accustomed to coming off the screen, squaring up with my right foot foward, so when im shooting with my left handim off balance.

So during games/practice, its just a habit to shoot like that, so now Im trying to adjust by having the left foot forward...

And boy does it get to you, now every time I have a open shot, I hesitate, try to fix myself, and shoot(mostly bricks and air balls).

My basketball game ftl...Lol

Anyone can fix that problem? And since im at it, i have a hard time finishing layups( like pathetic). Back in early high school middle school hay days( i guessyou can say before my gf and the extra 20 pounds) My layup game was one fastbreak im thinking too much when I get up. Help me..
If your trying to improve your shot cop better shooting 2 from better basketball it'll have your shot straight in no time if your serious.
what i've been teaching my players is body control and shooting straight.
They're ending their freshman year in highschool right now and have come a long ways.
One pointguard one slasher, both who get really out of control.
One who's really streaky, the other [pg] moreso get to the basket and throw up a wild shot.

Working with these boys proves o me that you are able to change your shot.
Throughout high school, you get stronger and more confident.
So the stronger you become and more confident the easier the shot seems.
Muscle memory is the key after so many reps. Quality over quantity though for me.
You get a good set amount of shots, but they're quality attempts.
As I've said the stronger you become the easier it is for you to shoot.
The higher your release point will become and the further you'll be able to shoot from.

The kids had a nitch to kick when they'd go up on their shot and travel forward quite a distance.
They also tended to shoot short so we worked on that too.
We worked on coming off screens and off the dribble and i'd have little rings or cones at the spots that would be screens or shooting points.
Their eyes see the cones or rings and think of it as a boundry so it forces them to go up rather than forward on their shot.
We worked on coming into the shot and having shoulders squared.
From any spot on the court you shoot with your body straight.
To prevent them from missig short i just had them focus ont he back of the rim.

It's all about repitition. The more quality reps you get, the more it goes into the basket, the more confidence you gain.
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