How to make friends? vol. need help

No hijak but I'm in the same boat op. I had a tight circle but everyone slowly drifted apart.. I'm social enough where I don't have a problem starting a conversation with strangers, but I don't know how to seal the deal into friendship. I have mad acquaintances but no friends.

If you're in NYC, you should join one of those pick-up kickball leagues. That's a pretty good way to meet people and since you have a girlfriend who's a social butterfly than double-date and meet people like that.

I'll be in NYC on August 26-28.
Yeah OP I am shy too. I have been practicing by talking to people I meet in everyday activities, ie the cashier at the grocery store, the bank teller, etc. Try starting a convo with these type of people as practice. You might even meet someone cool this way.
Walk around a busy mall on a Saturday afternoon with a pink tutu, strap on BBC, and a #%#* that says GOD HATES +*@@@%@.

Complete. and. total. ego. death.

You'll feel comfortable around people after that.
go out and do things you like to do.

you can make friends doing anything, from hooping at the park, working out at the gym, or even playing world of warcraft online.

gotta start somewhere, and at least you know that you guys have one thing in common.
Originally Posted by fresh2deff

Op, you must be ugly. Are you ugly op?
I think I'm actually rather good looking, at least that's what people tell me

Originally Posted by wizards23

Yeah OP I am shy too. I have been practicing by talking to people I meet in everyday activities, ie the cashier at the grocery store, the bank teller, etc. Try starting a convo with these type of people as practice. You might even meet someone cool this way.
I'm going to try doing this, thanks

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

No hijak but I'm in the same boat op. I had a tight circle but everyone slowly drifted apart.. I'm social enough where I don't have a problem starting a conversation with strangers, but I don't know how to seal the deal into friendship. I have mad acquaintances but no friends.

Originally Posted by thapointguy

I'm in the same boat. At least you have a gf. fml
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