How to spot fake hundred and twenty dollar bill ?

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I always said if I produced fake bills it would be $1, $5 and $10
Usually the goal of counterfeit bills is to get legit bills. With your method and that goal in mind, you'd most likely be operating at a lossconsidering the time and resources (even fake money aint free) spent to acquire such little returns.

If you talkin fake bills for goods then its still kinda worthless. Why invest AND risk fed charges for a pack of gum or a magazine?

Now if you were to integrate a percentage of counterfeit bills into a larger cash transaction then that'd be less susceptible but then you are justdefeating the purpose depending on that percentage..

All of which considering that you are dealing with a completely gullible merchant in the first place..
you can simply look at a hundred dollar bill & tell if it's fake. from the bills 10$ and up, they all have the dollar amount on the bottom right. oldbills don't count for this, but for the most part ALL new bills do. the dollar amount on the bottom right will glitter from green to orange. if that markon the bill doesn't glitter then you know off bat it's a fake bill. you can't reproduce that part of the bill. like many said on here, most peoplewill use a one dollar bill to create a fake hundred. if they reprint a hundred on a 1$ dollar bill, the only thing real about it is the actuall'll also notice that the print of the $100 sign at the bottom right isn't that glitter or whatever they use to create the shimmering print.
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