How to tell if the sales clerk,etc. is feeling you?

Has anybody ever tried to get at a phone CSR rep? I know it's more than likely they don't even live in your area, but some of them be sounding hot overthe phone. Just wonder what they'd say if you just busted out like a, "thank you for updating my account, ummm, you got a myspace or something?"
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Has anybody ever tried to get at a phone CSR rep? I know it's more than likely they don't even live in your area, but some of them be sounding hot over the phone. Just wonder what they'd say if you just busted out like a, "thank you for updating my account, ummm, you got a myspace or something?"

I remember a thread just like that. Some dude was smashing a fat chickbecause he got the mean discount.
dude just goto the cologne/perfume area in Macys they will be all over you just to try to get you to buy the merchantdise.......
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Has anybody ever tried to get at a phone CSR rep? I know it's more than likely they don't even live in your area, but some of them be sounding hot over the phone. Just wonder what they'd say if you just busted out like a, "thank you for updating my account, ummm, you got a myspace or something?"

I remember a thread just like that. Some dude was smashing a fat chick because he got the mean discount.
A phone csr or in store? I'm talking about 1 on the phone
Man I stay away from these situations. A brother can never truly tell. Any time I act on it shhh turns in to an episode of The Office
Once I hollered at the Bank of America phone rep. She was hella cool on the phone, asked her for her myspace.. peeped it, not so nice. Sorry guys no link. Ialways holler at the Dirctv reps. Theyre usually in the Philippines, its just funny to me sometimes. I talk about I'm thinking of visitint soon and askplaces I should visit.

Bur real talk, I was at walmart, dont even trip, the cashier was hot. I mean she was a Latina, 21 years old, nice face, nice booty and DDs. I was carrying someDior sunglasses. She told me she liked them, wanted to know where I got them at. I told her and then she wanted to know how much they cost. I was prettyembarrassed because they cost what she probably made in a week. So I told her 150, they were really like 350. So anyhow we were chit chatting, she finshedbagging my stuff. I aksed for her number, she gave. We went out, smashed a couple times and that was that. Point being if a girl is making conversation beyondhow your day is going. If she seems interested in somethin else, it doesnt hurt to ask. all she can do is say no.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Has anybody ever tried to get at a phone CSR rep? I know it's more than likely they don't even live in your area, but some of them be sounding hot over the phone. Just wonder what they'd say if you just busted out like a, "thank you for updating my account, ummm, you got a myspace or something?"

because they're fat
Originally Posted by Lazy B

You guys are letting me have it. I knew she wasn't interested. Have you ever had any luck though?
A few times. It's just in stores that pay commission that you can't be too sure

But if it's a girl like at the supermarket or something and she's throwing signals, then bag that number.

The craziest one was a few years ago when I was getting a new phone and the girl at the counter kept smiling and staring at me hard but I was like "Sheprobably does this to every guy getting a phone just to get that commission" but before I left she said "Hold on honey, I forgot to do something. Letme see the phone." I thought to myself "What the hell could you forget? I thought it was working fine". She gave it back and said "Come byone day and let me know how you like it, okay?"

I was like "Umm...okay" (Still thinking this thing was still commission related)

Little later on when I was playing with the phone I saw her name and number in my contacts.
i can never tell either, sometimes i go in just for the lulz if im with some peoples... when i was at the ae store yesterday to buy a jacket.. the place wasempty probably like one other person in there, i know right... so one of the ladies come over and helps me whatever. she caught my eye, brunette, tall, nicesmile probably 22-23 (had a cute butt, word to the thread). she starts making small talk with me.. like, how come i never seen you here before blah blah... allcute and innocent. i was like well... yadda yadda for a good 10 mins, asked her for her number before i left. sent her a txt later that night when she got offwork and made plans to a halloween party next week, yeah buddy.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Has anybody ever tried to get at a phone CSR rep? I know it's more than likely they don't even live in your area, but some of them be sounding hot over the phone. Just wonder what they'd say if you just busted out like a, "thank you for updating my account, ummm, you got a myspace or something?"

I remember a thread just like that. Some dude was smashing a fat chick because he got the mean discount.
A phone csr or in store? I'm talking about 1 on the phone
Over the phone. She lived in the same state as him and dude porked her a couple times.

Little later on when I was playing with the phone I saw her name and number in my contacts.

Dope. I remember there used to be bad ones at the VerizonWireless here at the mall in Syracuse and there was this bad one helping me with my phone. A few minutes later her supervisor
took over and sent her to the back. I wasn't going to bag or nothing but shewas nice to look at. Plus she had to have been 25-28 and I was only 18 at the time.
Point being if a girl is making conversation beyond how your day is going. If she seems interested in somethin else, it doesnt hurt to ask. all she can do is say no.
True but some people i.e. me aren't used to being told no.

Man I stay away from these situations. A brother can never truly tell. Any time I act on it shhh turns in to an episode of The Office

True. Just keep your thoughts to yourself.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Little later on when I was playing with the phone I saw her name and number in my contacts.
Dope. I remember there used to be bad ones at the Verizon Wireless here at the mall in Syracuse and there was this bad one helping me with my phone. A few minutes later her supervisor
took over and sent her to the back. I wasn't going to bag or nothing but she was nice to look at. Plus she had to have been 25-28 and I was only 18 at the time.

You automatically fail with this mentality.

yesterday i went to starbucks with some of my boys and the lady asked ME for my name and didnt ask any of my other friends....does she want that D??? OMG NTwhat do i do!?!?!?!?!?


i forgot to mention SHE BRUSHED her fingers on my hand when i handed her the cash!!!
damn this gets me sometimes...I was at this sub place, and the girl making my sandwich was hella nice and i couldnt tell if she was feelin meor just being nice cuz of her job.
Originally Posted by mrshadow


yesterday i went to starbucks with some of my boys and the lady asked ME for my name and didnt ask any of my other friends....does she want that D??? OMG NT what do i do!?!?!?!?!?


i forgot to mention SHE BRUSHED her fingers on my hand when i handed her the cash!!!
You're a moron. I'm asking a hypothetical question.
Originally Posted by eight2one

damn this gets me sometimes...I was at this sub place, and the girl making my sandwich was hella nice and i couldnt tell if she was feelin me or just being nice cuz of her job.

dont trust any random female when they want something from you...for the most part they will be on your nuts and lose "interest" as soon as you givein
whether its a sales clerk, waitress, stripper, etc
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